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( 2009届) 毕业论文 题 目: 嘉兴发展现代物流业的难点与对策思考 姓  名: 张 海 斌           学 院: 经 济 学 院 专  业:   经 济 学          班  级:   经 济 052          学 号: 200530015228 指导教师:   虞 锡 君           导师学科:   经 济 学           导师职称:   教 授            教 务 处 制 2009年 05月 18日 诚 信 明 论文作者签名: 签名日期: 年 月 日 授 权 声 明 签名日期: 年 月 日 摘 要 现代物流业的建设对一个城市的经济发展具有举足轻重的作用,尤其是对地处交通枢纽的城市,物流的飞速发展将大大的提高其在该地区的经济地位,同时现代物流作为一种先进的组织方式和管理技术,意味着经济的增值源,物流业的发展早已经突破单一行业的意义,成为覆盖整个经济的一个基础性建设。由此,足可以看到一个城市现代物流的发展将直接影响到该城市经济的健康发展。 本文主要分为三大部分,第一部分简单介绍嘉兴发展现代物流的现状以及存在的一些有利条件;第二部分,针对当前嘉兴发展现代物流业困境着重分析,指出问题的原因;第三部分,从主要任务、政府政策、重点工程三个角度具体提出解决这一系列的难点的对策与思考,进而总结全文,升华主题。 关键词:现代物流,极化效应,物流规划,信息网络 ABSTRACT The construction of modern logistics industry on a citys economic development plays a decisive role, especially for the transport hub is located in the city, the rapid development of logistics will greatly enhance its logistics center in the region, economic center, At the same time, modern logistics as a sophisticated organization and management skills, means that the economic value-added source of development of the logistics industry has already exceeded the significance of a single industry, covering the entire economy has become a basic building. Thus, sufficient to see a development of modern logistics in the city will have a direct impact to the healthy development of the urban economy. This article is divided into three parts, the first part of a brief jiaxing the status of the development of modern logistics, as well as a number of favorable conditions for the existence; the second part of Jiaxing current plight of the development of modern logistics industry focus on analysis, pointed out that the cause of the problem; the third part, from the The main task, government policies, the three key projects to address the specific point of view of the difficulties in



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