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Title Write a report Level 3 Credits 4 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to write a report. Classification Communication Skills Writing Available grade Achieved Explanatory notes 1 This unit standard is one of a series of unit standards for report writing: Unit 3490, Complete an incident report (Level 1) Unit 3492, Write a short report (Level 2) Unit 3491, Write a report (Level 3) Unit 19629, Present a reasoned argument in a report (Level 4) Unit 9685, Write an analytical report (Level 5). 2 Candidates must be given the opportunity to edit and proof read their work before it is assessed. 3 In this unit standard, relevant means fit for purpose, in terms of: - the purpose of the report - the context, situation, and occasion - the subject matter - the intended audience. 4 The report must be a minimum of 1000 words. Outcomes and evidence requirements Outcome 1 Write a report. Evidence requirements 1.1 Information is factual, complete, and relevant to the purpose of the report. 1.2 Quantity and quality of the information presented is relevant to the purpose of the report. Range conciseness, extent of detail, collection of evidence. 1.3 Conclusions are drawn that are consistent with the evidence presented in the report. 1.4 The content is structured in a logical order. 1.5 The report is expressed in a relevant format and tone. 1.6 Punctuation, spelling, and grammatical errors do not appreciably affect the intention of the report. 1.7 Vocabulary, including any technical language used, is relevant, precise, clear, and contributes to the intention of the report. 1.8 Sources of data are referenced accurately and in a consistent format. 1.9 Any recommendations are relevant and consistent with the report’s conclusions. Planned review date 31 December 2017 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 18 May 1995 31 December 2013 Review 2 24 March 1998 31 D


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