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关于图书馆员 去职业化倾向及对策的探讨 The Exploration of Librarian Occupation’s Non-professional Tendency and Its Countermeasure 吴一舟 WU, YI ZHOU Nov, 2012 如果以1876年美国图书馆协会(ALA)成立作为图书馆员专门职业诞生为标志,至今已有130多年了。在该协会的成立大会上,著名图书馆学家杜威宣布“图书馆工作成为专业化职业的时代到来了,今天的图书馆员可以实实在在地把自己的工作称作职业”。 It has been 130 years if we take the establishment of ALA as the emergence symbol of librarian professional career. On the first ALA conference, the famous library expert Dewey announced “The era has come that library work become a professional career, librarians can really see their jobs as careers today”. 1 引言 Foreword 作为专业化的职业,长期以来,西方发达国家一直要求图书馆员必须经过图书馆学专业知识、专业技能和职业道德的培训才能上岗,并在后来发展为必须通过特定的资格认证才能成为图书馆员职业的一员。 As a professional career, the western developed countries have been demanding librarians must take a training course of professional knowledge, skills and professional ethics before they take the job, and a qualification authentication is developed to be a must for the ones who wanted to be a member of librarians for a long time. 在我国,图书馆员作为一种社会岗位的存在虽也有100多年的历史,但作为一种被认可的职业身份至今仍有争论,或者说职业边界一直是不清晰的。尽管如此,直至上世纪末,图书馆员的专业性依然是在很大程度上得到社会承认的,并在图书馆学的专业教育中使这种专业性得以强化。 In our nation, it has been more than 100 years since librarian occupation seemed as a job in the society, but till now there is still a controversy whether librarian job can be treated as a professional career, or the career boundary has always been vague. However, till the end of the 20th century, profession of librarian occupation still got the social recognition in a large extent and enhanced by library science professional education. 然而,随着近些年来信息技术的高速发展,图书馆的传统地位发生了根本动摇,图书馆本身在谋求生存和发展过程中所采取的一些措施不但没有强化图书馆员的职业性,反而大大弱化和模糊了其职业特征和职业价值。这一问题在图书馆员职业身份本来就不够明晰的我国显得更加突出。图书馆员面临着严重的去职业化倾向。 However, with the rapid development of information technology, the traditional position of libraries has been undermined. The measures libraries take to strive for their existence and development have not strengthened the profession of li



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