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消防安全管理制度文件编号: EHS-015 版本号: 1 生效日期: 页码:  PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 4/4 1 目的( Purpose ) 为了保证消防器材能长期稳定、准确、有效的工作运行,保障工厂安全生产和职工生命安全,消除火灾隐患,特制定本制度。 In order to keep the fire equipment run for long-term, stably, accurate and effectively, to ensure the safety of factory production and worker safety, to eliminate fire hazard, we formulates this system. 2 适用范围(Scope) 此份文件应用于以下部门/区域:This document is applied to the following department/area 办公室Offices 制造部 Manufacture Department 研发部Research and Development Department(RD) 设备部Equipment Department 项目部Project Department 物流部Logistics Department 其他Others 3. 依据(According) EHS-006《安全事故应急预案》EHS - 006 safety accident emergency plan 《中华人民共和国消防法》FCLPRC 《中华人民共和国安全生产法》The production safety law of the Peoples Republic of China 4 用语定义(Definitions) N/A 5 职责权限(Responsibilities) 5.1设备部EHS工程师组织消防维保单位每月对公司的消防器材及设备进行检查,并保留相关记录。EHS工程师不定期地对厂内消防器材及设备进行检查,发现问题及时解决,自行无法解决的及时通知维保单位处理。 EHS engineer in the Equipment Department will organize fire maintenance unit to inspect monthly on the companys fire equipment and equipment, and keep relevant records. EHS engineer will aperiodically inspect the fire equipment within the plant and equipment and solve the found problems promptly, notify the maintenance unit processing promptly if it can’t solve the problems on its own. 5.2生产区域各部门有义务对发现的消防器材及设备的不良情况向EHS工程师报告。并能准确,熟练掌握消防器材的使用,在火灾险情发生的初期,均应迅速、准确地报警,并积极参加扑救。 Production areas of all departments have the duty to find the adverse situation of the fire equipment and equipment, and then report to EHS engineer. And can be accurate, skilled use of fire equipment. At the beginning of the fire danger, we should call the police rapidly and accurately and take an active part in the fighting. 5.3 保安室人员对消防报警监控进行24小时监视,一旦发现火情,要迅速、准确地报警,并积极参加扑救。如发现监控设备存在异常情况也应及时告知EHS工程师。 The staffs in the security room will have 24-hour monitoring of fire alarm monitoring, once finding the fire, they will quickly and accurately report to the police, an


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