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第十章 一、名词解释 DA0110A01 telecrine(远距分泌大多数激素经血液运输至远距离的靶组织而发挥作用,这种方式称为远距分泌。 DA0110A0 paracrine(旁分泌某些激素可不经血液运输,仅由组织液扩散而作用于邻近细胞,这种方式称为旁分泌。 DA0110A03 hormone由内分泌腺或散在的内分泌细胞所分泌的高效能的生物活性物质,经组织液或血液传递而发挥其调节作用,此种化学物质称为激素。 DA0110B01 brain-gut peptides脑-肠肽一些最初在胃肠道发现的肽,也存在于中枢神经系统中,而原来认为只存在于中枢神经系统的神经肽,也在消化道中发现,这些双重分布的肽被统称为脑-肠肽。 DA011002 β-cell:存在于胰岛中的一类细胞,可以分泌胰岛素。 DA0110C0 G-protein(鸟苷酸结合蛋白,由α、β、γ三个亚基组成,可以通过与鸟苷酸的结合被激活来影响效应器酶的活性。 A01 Epinephrine is released from what area of the adrenal gland? ………( d ) (a) zona reticularis (b) zona Iasciculata (c) zona glomerulosa (d) medulla A02 Most hypothalamic and pituitary hormones are…………………( b ) (a) amino acids. (b) peptides/proteins. (c) steroids. (d) eicosanoids. A03 Sweat is secreted by exocrine glands. This means that……………( c ) (a) it is produced by epithelial cells (b) it is a hormone (c) it is secreted into a duct (d) it is produced outside the body A04 Steroid hormones are secreted by……………………( d ) (a) the adrenal cortex (b) the gonads (c) the thyroid (d) a and b A05 The hormones ADH and oxytocin are PRODUCED by………………(c ) (a) the anterior pituitary (b) the posterior pituitary (c) the hypothalamus (d) the islets of Langerhans B01 Gonadotropin releasing hormone stimulates release of which of the following from the anterior pituitary?………………………………( d ) (a) sex hormones (b) follicle stimulating hormone (c) luteinizing hormone (d) both follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone B02 Which of the following adrenal hormones is secreted by chromaffin cells?厖厖厖厖厖厖厖厖?) sex ho……………………( c ) (a) cortisol (b) aldosterone (c) epinephrine (d) androgens B03 Secretion of which of the following hormones would be INCREASED in an iodine-deficiency goiter? ……………………( a ) (a) TSH (b) thyroxine (c) T3 (d) all of these B04 Glucose can be secreted into the blood by……………………( a ) (a) liver (b) muscles (c) brain (d) all of these B05 I


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