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移动式细水雾灭火装置在高铁变电所 的应用 摘要:高铁列车依靠电力机车牵引,为了给电力机车供应电能,需要在铁路沿线架设一套牵引供电系统,因此高铁线路沿线按一定距离布置很多变电站所。为了保障高铁列车稳定高效运行,必须保障高铁变电所的消防安全。规范要求变电站所需设置室外消火栓系统,但由于变电所大都位于偏远农村山区,不具备设计安装室外消火栓系统,即使安装室外消火栓,也仅有一路水源,不能满足规范要求。而且变电站所的消防安全主要是保护变压器、电线电缆等电器设施,用水进行灭火救援存在破坏性和危险性。移动式细水雾灭火装置安装简单,对环境要求较低,能够有效扑灭油浸变压器的火灾,较好的解决了高铁变电站所的消防安全问题。 关键字:高铁 变电所 细水雾 室外消火栓 The Application Of Trolley Water Mist Device In The High-speed rail Substation Abstract:High-speed Rail rely on electric locomotive traction train, In order to supply power to electric locomotive, need to set up a set of the railway traction power supply system, so high speed along the line according to a certain distance layout a lot of substation. In order to ensure the stable and efficient operation of high-speed trains, must guarantee the high iron electric fire safety institute. Specification for substation outdoor fire hydrant system settings, but because of the substation are located in remote rural areas, do not have the design and installation of outdoor fire hydrant system, even if the installation of outdoor fire hydrant, a water only, can not meet the requirements of specification. And the fire safety of transformer substation is the main protection of transformer, wire and cable, electrical facilities, water for fire fighting and rescue are destructive and dangerous. Mobile water mist fire extinguishing device has the advantages of simple installation, low requirement to environment, can effectively save oil immersed transformer fire, to solve the fire safety problems High-speed Rail substation. Keywords:High-speed Rail substation water mist outdoor fire hydrant 1、前言 京津城际、武广高铁、郑西高铁、沪宁城际高铁等相继开通运营,正在引领世界高铁发展。 牵引变电所的功能是将三相的110KV(或220KV)高压交流电变换为两个单相的27.5KV的交流电,然后向铁路上、下行两个方向的接触网(额定电压为25KV)供电,一般在高铁轨道沿线隔40公里左右设置一处。分区所设置于两个牵引变电所中间,可使相邻的接触网供电区段实现并联或单独工作;牵引网采用AT供电方式,在高铁轨道沿线公里左右设置一台自耦变压器AT称为AT所。变电所平面布置如图1所示,可以清楚的看到高铁变电所主要设施设备。 图1 变电所布置图 2、存在问题 GB50016-2014第8.1.2条 民用建筑、厂房、仓库、储罐(区)和堆场周围应设置室外消火栓系统,因此变电所必须设计室外消火栓系统保护。靠近客运车站或者离市区较近的具备市政供水条件的变电


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