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创新实践论文 精馏塔设备的设计与节能研究进展 research progress of design and energy-saving distillation column 学院: 化学化工学院 专业::: 项目 分值 得分 积极参加教师科研活动 具有较强动手能力 20 文献资料查阅能力 15 结构、逻辑性 15 文笔流畅 25 内容全面性 15 符合写作规范 10 总分 100 综述类 研究类 项目 分值 得分 积极参加科研活动 10 文献资料查阅能力 20 具有较强动手能力及科研能力 25 报告书写结构、逻辑性 15 文笔流畅 20 符合写作规范 10 总分 100 精馏塔设备的设计与节能研究进展 摘 要 精馏过程是化工过程中最耗能的过程之一。本文总结了常规精馏塔,反应精馏塔以及分隔壁精馏塔这几种类型精馏塔的研究进展。常规精馏塔的研究仍在进行,并主要体现在算法的改进与新算法的提出,以及常规精馏塔在化工高等教学的重要作用上,指出了反应精馏塔和分隔壁精馏塔是近几年精馏塔设计方面的研究热点,如反应精馏塔的模型、求解方法等,分隔壁精馏塔是一种全新的概念因而并未系统化,但却能够明显节省设备投资,并具有良好的节能前景,尤其是在与反应精馏结合后效果特别明显。文章最后对精馏塔的未来研究方向进行了展望。 关键词:蒸馏;设计;反应精馏;节能;分隔壁精馏塔 research progress of design and energy-saving distillation column ABSTRACT Distillation process is one of the most energy consumption process in chemical process. This article summarizes the conventional distillation, reaction rectification tower rectification tower next to the several types and the research progress of rectification column. Conventional distillation research is still on, and is mainly manifested in the algorithm is improved and new algorithm is put forward, and the important role of high conventional rectification column in chemical teaching, points out the reaction rectification tower and points the next rectification tower is rectifying column design research hotspot in recent years, such as reaction model and solving method of rectification tower, points the next column is a kind of brand-new concept and therefore is not systematic, but it can obviously save equipment investment, and have a good prospect of energy saving, especially after combined with reaction rectification effect is particularly evident. Finally the future research direction of the rectifying column is discussed. Key Words:Distillation; Design; Reaction distillation; Energy saving; Points the next column 目录 一 常规精馏塔设计 7 1.1 常用算法的改进与新算法的提出 7 1.2 使用计算机对精馏过程进行辅助计算 7 二 反应精馏塔设计 8 2.1 反应精馏的发展历程与简介 8 2.2 反应精馏的稳态模拟数学模型 8 2.3 反应精馏的设计算法 9 三 精馏塔操作能耗高体现 10 3.1蒸汽耗量大 10 3.2产品回收率低,单耗高 10 3.


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