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【摘要】 在本设计说明书中,我通过对零件的图形分析,零件的结构工艺性,技术要求进行仔细分析了,所设计的零件结构应便于成型,并且成本低,效率高,它的涉及面广,因此这一环节是技术的关键,以便在拟定工艺规程时采用适当的措施。材料分析,选好了加工毛坯,了解常用的毛坯种类:锻件.型材.焊接件.冷压件等,还有毛坯是根据零件要求的形状,工艺尺寸等方面而制成的进一步加工使用的生产对象。在制订零件的工艺规程时,正确的选择工件的基准有着很重要的意义,应划分阶段一般分粗加工.半精加工和精加工三个阶段。选择的机床型号是CA6140普通车床,CJ6032A教学型数控车床。另外还对加工的工序.工艺进行分析,从而手工将加工零件的全部工艺过程、工艺参数、位移数据等以规定的代码、程序格式写出,编制出了适合所选车床的程序。 关键词: 零件的分析,毛坯,工艺,工序尺寸,加工路线,编程 Abstract:In this design manual, I passed on the part of the graphical analysis of the structure of process components, technical require careful analysis, the structure should be designed to facilitate the molding of parts, and low-cost, high efficiency, it involves a wide range, so This link is a key technology in order to develop technical rules used appropriate measures. Material analysis, selected the processing of rough, rough understanding of commonly used types: forgings. Profile. Welding parts. Cold items, etc., as well as rough parts requirements based on the shape, size and other aspects of technology made the production of further processing using object. Part of the process in the formulation of procedures, the The correct choice of the workpiece has a very important benchmark for significance and should be divided into stages of general points roughing. Semi-finishing and finishing stages. Choice of machine model is a CA6140 lathe, CJ6032A teaching CNC lathe. Also on the processing of the operation. Process analysis, which manually processed all the process components, process parameters, displacement data to the provisions of the code, the program format, write, compile lathe suitable for the selected program. Keywords: Part of the analysis, blank, process, process size, processing routes, programming 目录 前 言 4 1零件的分析 5 1.1 零件的结构工艺性分析 5 1.1.1零件的形状分析 5 1.1.2 零件的技术要求分析 5 1.1.3 零件的加工表面的分析 6 1.2 零件的材料分析 6 2毛坯的设计 6 2.1 确定零件的生产类型和生产纲领 6 2.2 确定零件毛坯的制造形式 7 2.2.1 毛坯的种类 7 2.2.2 毛坯种类的选择 7 2.2.3 毛坯的形状和尺寸的选择 8 3零件工艺规程的设计 8 3.1 定位基准的选择 8 3.1.1 精基准的选择 8 3.1.2 粗基准的选择 9 3.2 零件表面加工方法的


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