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毕 业 设 计 (论 文) 题 目: 基于单片机的心率测试仪的设计 学 院: 电气与信息工程 专 业: 自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成时间: 2013年05月28日 摘 要 随着生物医学工程技术的发展, 医学信号测量仪器日新月异。生物医学测量与临床医学和保健医疗的联系日益紧密。通过对人体各种生理信号的检测,能更好的认识人体的生命现象。脉象包含丰富的人体健康状况信息, 脉诊技术应客观化、定量化。本设计利用光电式传感器, 设计脉搏信号获取的方法。本设计主要是基于单片机的便携式脉搏测试仪的具体实现方法,利用光电传感器产生脉冲信号,经过放大整形后,输入单片机内进行相应的控制,从而测量出一分钟内的脉搏跳动次数,快捷方便。通过观测脉搏信号,可以对人体的健康进行检查,通常被用于保健中心和医院。本设计所设计的基于单片机的便携式心率测试仪对推进脉诊技术客观化的实现具有积极的促进作用。本设计以单片机为核心,由脉搏检测传感器采集脉搏信号。经过前置放大电路、滤波电路、整形电路后得到与脉搏相关的脉冲信号。该脉冲信号作为中断信号交由单片机进行脉长周期的计算。然后得到每分钟的脉搏搏动次数(即心率),并在数码管上显示心率,同时还设置了脉搏测量仪的上下限报警电路。 关键词单片机Abstract With the development of the biomedical engineering technology, the medical signal measuring instrument is changing everyday. Biomedical measurement and clinical medicine and health care increasingly close ties. We could better understand the phenomenon of human. life through various physiological signal detection of the human body. Pulse inclusions rich state of the health information, By using optical sensors, With the high development of electronics and computer nowadays, the pulse diagnosing technology should be objective and quantitive. this text access to the pulse signal design methods. This paper mainly introduces the concrete realization method for digital pulse counter, which uses photoelectric sensors to generate pulse signal. The pulse signal is amplified and regenerated to input into MCU to carry out corresponding control, as a result the pulse number per a minute is measured. The use of the pulse counter is quick and convenient. Through observing the pulse signal, human health can be inspected, it is usually used in health care centers and the hospitals. In my design, Portable heart rate measuring instrument based on MCU has a positive role in promoting the objective of the pulse technology. Key words: Pulse,MCU,Photoelectric Sensor,Pulse Sign


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