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华东交通大学学年论文评阅书 姓名 学号 专业 学年论文题目 指导教师评语: 成绩 指导教师签字: 年 月 日 摘 要 ABSTRACT Small and medium enterprises is an important part of the market economy in China, which marks the level of the countrys productive forces. Fixed assets are assets held by an enterprise for the production of goods, services, rental or business management, and the use of a life of more than one accounting year. It is the tangible assets of the enterprise, in the total assets of small and medium enterprises in general have a larger share of the. Since it is the material guarantee for the reproduction and continuous operation of the enterprise, the management of fixed assets is very important for small and medium-sized enterprises. Only the management of fixed assets, in order to have better economic benefits, so that enterprises can secure the development of. Moreover, small and medium enterprises, their own size is not large, but also to pay more attention to the cost of. In this paper, the current situation of small and medium-sized enterprise management of fixed assets of a simple analysis, and thus found that the current enterprise fixed asset management of some of the problems, and then put forward some views. 。 Key words: fixed assets management, present situation, problems and Countermeasures 目录 1 引言 1 1.1 中小企业资产管理现状 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 1 2 中小企业资产的管理 1 2.1 资产的概述 1 2.2 参考文献 4 致谢 5 引言 本文对中小企业管理固定资产的现状进行了简单的分析,从而发现当前企业固定资产管理存在的某些问题,然后提出了一些看法.。 中小企业固定资产管理的现状 中小企业由于自身管理制度不是很完善,经济实力不强、管理者自身素质等原因,在企业内部固定资产投资和管理的过程中很容易出现一些问题。 (一)企业固定资产预算容易流于形式,对固定资产的购置或处置随意性比较大。固定资产会计信息不真实、不完整不少事业单位对购置、调入、捐赠形成的固定资产入账不及时,对报废、处置的固定资产不及时调账,造成了会计信息失真,会计信息不能如实反映本单位的固定资产增减变化及各时点的财务状况,使得财务人员、单位负责人对本单位的资产家底不清,进而导致管理。 (二)固定资产的录入标准不统一,入账会计对软件的熟悉程度还有待进一步提高。由于下属单位比较多,各个下属机构会计对软件的理解不同,导致归类不统一,例如对于电脑的归类,有些归入微型计算机,有些归入台式机;还有对于厨房用品,一些小东西,可能无法在清查软件中找到合适的归类,从而出现了任意归类。 (三)固定资产管理制度不健全。很多中小企业往往重采购,轻管理,或极易走到“重人力、财力管理,轻物力管理”的错误倾向。固定资产管理人员往往配备不足。比


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