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Christmas Day in the Morning 校对:李炳璋(原名李东升)全国唯一一位曾经连续三年命中过高考试题中理科和文科一些试题的人 更多精彩请加824135830 请告诉你的姓名省份文理学校...谢谢 更多精彩请 请告诉你的姓名大学名称专业...谢谢 KEY to the exercises 3) translation 饮食过量 睡过头 做得过分 演得过火 向顾客要价太高 用药过量 人口过多 工作过量 负担过重 (车船)超载 人浮于事的 KEY to the exercises 4) translation 一个繁星满天的夜晚 咯咯作响的楼梯 肉鼻子 富有的人 健康的外表 布满灰尘的房间 多风的地区 雨季 暴风雨中的大海 多云的天气 长满浓毛的胸脯 瘦削的女孩 呆滞的眼神 KEY to the exercises give the oppostite of: usual-unusual fortunate-unfortunate satisfied-unsatisfied/dissatisfied softly-loudly able-unable true-untrue/false dark-bright/light fragrant-smelly/stinking steadily-unsteadily/shakily careful-careless KEY to the exercises give the oppostite of: dead(attributive)-live/living dead(predicative)-alive sleepy-awake/wide awake asleep-awake/up like(prep.)-unlike like(verb.)-dislike front door-back door the next day-the previous night pul off-pull on forever-for the moment/for the time being/temporarily put out the light-put on the light/turn on the light KEY to the exercises 7) put in possible verbs that form idioms with the nouns to raise, milk a cow to plant, cut, fell, trim a tree to form, have, develop, change, drop, break a habit to take, wait his turn to take for granted to pull on, put on, wear, take off his jacket to raise chicken to earn save, change, pay, lend, draw, send, deposit, need, make, cost money KEY to the exercises 7) put in possible verbs that form idioms with the nouns to strike a match to make, give, receive, send a reply to fill, clean, hang up, replace the milk cans to bar, bolt, close, shut, lock the door to send, buy, purchase, give, receive, present a gift to put on, put out, turn on, turn off, switch on, switch off the light to clutch, hold his son in a great hug to laugh, give a sobbing sort of laughter KEY to the exercises 10) translation-A Up to this day some of them are still clinging to the old ideas. Although the experiment failed, it was worth doing. This is not worth mentioning. Ive only done what I s


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