关伶伶 Fd Ways To Protect The Environment In Imitation And Innovation.doc

关伶伶 Fd Ways To Protect The Environment In Imitation And Innovation.doc

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Find Ways To Protect The Environment In Imitation And Innovation (在模仿和创新中找寻保护环境之路) With the development of modern society,the economic development and the environmental protection ,dramatically,just like two foes meeting in a path.So how can we bring about reconcilation between these two foes?Maybe we can seek out the solution in learning the ways Japan wrestles with the environmental protection. 随着现代社会的发展,戏剧性的是,经济发展和环境保护似冤家路窄。我们该如何让这两个冤家重归于好呢?或许我们可以从日本大力开展的应对环境保护的措施学习中找到解决的方法。 Piles and piles of life waste are commonly seen in the gully or on the riverbank,or even just flow on the river in the countryside in China.What’s worse,rabbish lie on the cities’ streets ,as if they are meant to be there.But Japan,our close neighbour separated by only a narrow strip of water,the people there has a fabulous skill to sort and recycle the life waste that make us feel ashamed of ourselves. 一堆堆的生活垃圾在中国乡村的水沟或者是河岸上随处可见,更有甚者漂浮在河流上。更糟糕的是,城市街道上的垃圾似乎也是理所当然地躺在地上。但是日本——我们一衣带水的邻居,那里的民族有一个分类和回收垃圾的神奇功夫,让我们自惭形愧。 In Japan,there is a specialised area in every apartment building.Maybe you can’t figure out what this area is used for.Let me tell you,this mystery area is used for storing life waste.What inside are 8 or 9 large garbage plastic buckets,6 large plastic baskets and a special little basket.Different tags written such as FOOD WASTE,COMBUSTIBLE REFUSE are attached on the surfaces of the buckets.Books ,newspapers,glasses bottles and other recyclable items can be put in the plastic baskets.When it comes to the most environmental-friendly setting is that little plastic basket for it can be placed in something detrimental like the used batteries.All these life waste are in charge of special people.They will transfer the specified garbage to the appointed area by the road at an appointed time of the day,waiting the coming of the community waste cleaning car .Tremendous stuffs to be thrown away like sofa,fridge and TV,will be attached on various amount of coupons bou


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