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Exercise 3 on P13 Exercise 4 on P14 Goods Way of travel Name Period From Han Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty Ivory, Rhinoceros horns, spices, shells, animal skins, sugar Goods Way of travel Name Period Tang Dynasty Du Huan Over land and by boat Song Dynasty By sea A bronze statue of a lion Goods Way of travel Name Period Ming Dynasty Zheng He By sea Zebras, giraffes, Ivory, Rhinoceros horns, shells shells Rhinoceros horns Ivory giraffes Zebras Africa and Asia Africa Goods √ √ √ √ √ PLAY 12. Does John know any other foreign language ________ French? A. except B. but C. besides D. beside 13. David could do nothing but ________ his teacher yesterday afternoon. A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help 14. The enemy had no choice but ____ their arms and ________ . A. lie down;give in B. lay down; give in C. to lay down;give in D. to lie down;to give in refer to the text Don’t refer to the matter again. When I said some people are stupid I wasn’t referring to you. This rule refers to everyone. refer to 参考,查阅 提及 指… 而言,指的是 适用于 把…称做 refer to sb./sth. as… run out of = use up vt. 用完 run out vi. I have run out of /used up ink. = My ink is running out. How many continents there are in the world? What are they? Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Arctic Ocean Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Zheng He, in the year between 1405 and 1433, seven large treasure fleets sailed westwards on voyages of trade and exploration. Under the command of Zheng He, the fleets set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the Red Sea, and then traveled further south, discovering the eastern coast of Africa. He renewed relations with the Kingdoms of the East African. James Cook (1728-1779) was the greatest Britain navigator. Cook enlisted in the Royal Navy in 1755. In 1768 he was promoted and sent to the Pacific where he surveyed Tahiti, New Zealand, and Australia. On his famous 2nd


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