八英.8BU3ntegrated skills教学案.doc

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八英.8BU3ntegrated skills教学案

八年级英语学科导学提纲 8BIntegrated skills (I) 一、学习目标: 1. 熟悉有关计算机程序的关键词 2. 了解计算机教育软件的内容和主题。 3. 能询问和回答有关使用计算机教育软件的细节信息。 4. 激发和调动学生使用网上学习资源的欲望。 二、知识准备: 查阅以下词汇和句型初步掌握其意义和用法: 词汇: daily English; course; telephone; tour; radio; package; cover many topics; order… online; learn about; 句子: 1. It’s very good for tourists and students. 2. Can you show me how to start this online tour of Australia, please、 练习: 单词填空 1. From the CD-ROM, we can learn about _____ (谈) about the weather and the time. 2. His book _______ (涵盖) many fields of science. 3. The tour _______ (包括) a visit to the History Museum. 4. Our teacher solved the problem _________ (简单). 5. China _______ (每日) is a famous newspaper in China. 三、学习内容: I. Lead-in Task 1: Present pictures of different uses of computers: Ask: What can we use the computer for? How can we send or receive e-mails? What else can we use the Internet for? Task2:Today, we are going to learn about a new educational CD-ROM called “Daily English” and encourage the students to discuss what it is about. II. Pre-task Task 1: Listen to the tape and tell true or false to the following sentences about they hear. Task 2: Listen to the tape once again, and complete Part A1. Task 3: Present pictures from Part A2, and ask: What are they? What are their functions? Work in pairs, and understand the Part A2. III. While-task Task 1: First of all, have the students go through Part A3, and complete e-mail using the information in Parts A1 A2. Task 2: Sandy and Millie are also talking about how to use Daily English, Sandy has some questions. Please listen to the tape and find out what her problems are. Task 3: Read out the conversation in roles, and then make up new conversation. Ⅳ. Post-task Task 1: Useful expressions: 1. When you click on … icon, you can …; 2. order online; be covered in the course; 3. Do you mind telling ….? 四、知识梳理: 一、翻译下列词组。 1. 日常英语 2. 了解 3. 一门新的英语课程 4. 听人们谈话 5. 涉及许多话题 6. 求助 7. 在需要的时候


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