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内 容 摘 要 计算机技术的迅猛发展为制造企业的生产力的提高奠定了一定的基础。设备的自动化,资源的信息化管理很大程度上提高了生产效率。本文主要是对圣奥家具制造有现公司现有的屏风车间的布局进行合理化的改造,减少在生产过程中的一些不必要的物流动作,减少浪费,提高生产率。并采用计算机仿真技术对圣奥家具制造有限公司的屏风流水线进行仿真模拟分析,更清楚明了地解释改造后的物流更节省。计算机仿真一直是不可缺少的工具、它在减少损失、节约经费、缩短开发周期、提高产品质量等方面发挥了巨大作用。本文采用Flexsim仿真软件来进行流水线模拟。Flexsim是新一代离散事件系统仿真的有效工具,已经在物流及生产制造领域里成功地进行多种系统的建模与仿真分析,如配送中心的拣选仿真、仓库出入库仿真、产品库分拣仿真、生产物流系统仿真等。利用仿真软件进行流水线仿真最主要的目的就是减少生产过程中的物流成本,从而提高企业的利润空间。根据日本早稻田大学的西泽修教授的物流成本冰山说和黑大陆之说都能很好的说明物流成本的重要性,但是随着近些年我们对物流认识的提高,对物流成本范围的逐渐明白化,物流成本不再是一个不被人忽略的成,尤其是制造企业。 关键词:仿真、生产物流、家具制造企业、Flexsim ABSTRACT The rapid development of computer technology for manufacturing enterprises to increase the productivity of laying a foundation. Equipment, automation, information management resources to improve production efficiency to a large extent. This article is a saint Austrian furniture manufacturers have is the screens existing plant to the rationalization of the layout of the transformation in the production process to reduce the number of unnecessary movements logistics, reduce wastage and increase productivity. And the use of computer simulation technology SUNON Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for the screen assembly line simulation analysis, to understand more clearly explained the logistics after the transformation even more savings. Computer simulation has been an indispensable tool in reducing the loss of savings and shorten the development cycle, improve product quality and played a crucial role. In this paper, Flexsim pipeline simulation software to simulate. Flexsim a new generation of discrete event systems is an effective tool for simulation, has been in the field of logistics and manufacturing in a wide range of successful system modeling and simulation analysis, such as the selection of simulation distribution center, warehouse storage of simulation, Simulation Product Sorting , production and other logistics system simulation. The use of simulation software pipeline simulation is the main purpose of the production



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