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基于MACS的配浆过程DCS控制系统设计 摘 要 造纸工业是一个与国民经济发展和社会文明建设息息相关的重要产业。配浆系统是整个造纸工艺流程的重要组成部分。为了达到配浆系统给定的工艺要求,保证纸浆的产量和质量,对配浆系统进行自动化控制。配浆的目的是使各种纸浆,辅料等按一定的比例配置。其中各种浆液的加入量使用比例控制,并且这些流量比例控制均受配浆池液位信号的连锁控制。即,当配浆池液位达到高高限时,流量阀门全关,同时,自动关断相关的液位输送泵。当配浆池液位达到低低限时,流量比例控制程序恢复控制,同时启动相关的浆液输送泵。此次控制采用和利时的控制系统,同时,该系统可以充分提供配浆系统的各种生产数据,为生产工艺的改进、管理水平的提高创造条件。 本文研究了造纸工业中纸浆配比自动控制系统。整个系统结构可以分为监控程序、基于组态软件的控制程序与硬件及接口程序三层结构,三者相对独立运行。本文着重研究配浆系统中控制程序的设计和实现。在分析了整个系统需求的基础上提出了系统的控制目标和策略,主要包括绝干量配比控制、浓度控制和液位及联锁控制等。实现了纸浆配比系统中的控制程序。 关键词:纸浆,绝干量,配比控制,软件组态 Design of DCS Control System With The Plasma Process Based on MACS ABSTRACT The papermaking industry is a national economic development and social civilization construction is an important industry. The whole paper slurry system is with an important part of the process. In order to achieve the slurry system with a given process requirement, guarantee the production and quality of paper pulp of slurry system with auto-control. The purpose is to match pulp of pulp, accessories, and other press certain proportion configuration. The addition amount of various slurry used proportional control, a value of pre-set parameter values, and these flow proportional control are subject to the slurry pond with the chain control level signal. Namely, when match slurry limit, high level gets to the pool, and at the same time, fitted flow valves automatic shutoff related level pump. When match plasma pool to low level limit, flow proportional control program, and restore control initiate relevant slurry pump. The control adopts Hollysys control system, at the same time, the system can fully provide all kinds of production with plasma system data, improve the production process, improve the level of management creates the condition. This paper studies the ratio of papermaking pulp automatic control system. The whole system structure can be divided into monitoring program, based on configuration software control procedures and hardware and interface program three layer structu


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