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第十一章 反译法 Translate the following sentences It was all I could do not to laugh. The problem is much alive. We must be content with moderate hopes. National university, the pride of the prewar educational systems, were closed to women. We cannot wait to see you. Nowadays, few academic lectures of traditional style rise above dullness. Translations 我差点笑出来了。 这个问题远远没有解决。 我们不能抱有过高的希望。 国立大学,在战前是教育制度上的骄傲,当时是不收女生的。 我们要马上见你。 当今,多数传统模式的学术讲座都十分乏味。 反译法 Rationale (理据) 1.从正面下笔无法译出的词语 由于两种语言用词上的差异,英语中有些词语,或以肯定词形表达否定或排除含义,或加“de-”,“dis-”等否定词头或词尾表达肯定含义或与“not”连用却表达肯定含义等词语,翻译时往往找不到完全对等的汉语词,这种情况下可以考虑采用反译法处理。 Examples After the ship unloads at Tilburg Dock, the goods will go to the container freight station. 船在蒂尔堡码头卸货后,货物将送入集装箱货运站。 A single market will result in many sweeping changes to the European economy, not least the creation of larger companies. 单一市场将导致欧洲经济产生许多决定性(有影响力)的变化,尤其是导致更大公司的建立。 Examples In your eagerness to secure profits, you have failed to give due consideration to the sellers’ standpoints. 也许贵公司由于求利心切而未能适当考虑卖方的立场。 For whatever reason, many mainstream media institutions have decided to take a pass on this story. 出于各种原因,许多主流传媒机构都决定对此事不予报道。 Examples In the absence of a settlement through negotiation, the case under dispute can be submitted to arbitration. 如果通过谈判找不到解决办法,争执之事可提交仲裁。 Many skills now used in industry require mental rather than physical ability. 在工业领域的许多技术需要脑力劳动,而不是体力劳动。 Examples There could hardly be a better example of the power that lies in word. 这个例子最能说明语言的力量十分强大。 It was not until years later that we heard of his dismissal from that company. 直到数年之后,我们才听说他被那家公司解雇了。 2. 从正面下笔难以译得确切、通顺的词语 英语中还有些词语虽然可以从正面来译,但译出来却很勉强,难以达到确切、通顺、简洁的效果,这种情况也可以考虑采用反译法处理。 Examples APEC will have to be non-discriminatory and it will have to seek to be open rather than closed in its approach. 亚太经济合作组织必须是没有歧视的,并且态度上是开放的而非封闭的。 亚太经济合作组织必须一视同仁,并且态度上是开放的而非封闭的。 Examples But even though Japan now has a larger surplus with the Asia than with either the US