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* * Demonstration: Using an OTDR trace, you can change the thresholds and see the warning message changing when retreiving the trace. * * Overlength (fiber in the cable is longer than the cable itself) is necessary in outside environments. The overlength is often referred to in the U.S. as helix factor. This is generally considered to be proprietary information by the cable manufacturers. If you were to show intent to purchase a particular manufacturers cable, most would supply you with this information for your design purposes. Also, some OTDR manufacturers may have this info available, as it could mean the difference of digging for trouble in the right or wrong place when looking for a buried fault with such an instrument. Some time ago most loose tube designs have 1 to 3% extra fiber length. This allows the fibers to be decoupled from the buffer tubes during temperature variation and pulling loads. One must manually account for this in interpreting an OTDR trace. * * * * Naming your file: When saving the file, the name can contain all these fields for easy identification. Example: Ribbon001Fiber001Blue.trc * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 光缆设置 光缆设置 测试多纤光缆 测试多纤光缆: 光纤在不同颜色的套管中分别放置 每束光纤也以不同的颜色标识 余长因子由制造商提供,用以精确的定位 光缆设置 测试多纤光缆 光纤束中有4、8、12或24跟光纤 每个光纤束有不同的颜色 光纤束中的光纤也由不同的颜色标识 测试多纤光缆: 光缆设置 测试多纤光缆 输入测试光缆的信息 由光缆制造商提供的余长因子将标识出光缆长度和光纤长度之间的关系 光缆中的光纤呈松散状态,这将能够使光缆更易于安装和适应应力 光缆设置 测试多纤光缆 光缆设置 测试多纤光缆 光缆设置中的参数与实际待测光缆中各位置的关系 光缆ID 光纤束 ID 光纤 ID 什么是余长因子? 测试光缆时是否可以对光纤自动命名? 在ToolBox中什么位置可以设置文件自动命名? 目前为止我们学到了什么? 练习 练习 参数设置 采样参数设置: 选择能够覆盖链路长度的最短距离 选择最短的脉冲宽度,例如5ns或10ns 取样事件设为30s 噪声水平可以接受 ? 采样时间2分钟以下 ? 存储采样结果 否 是 增大采样时间 是 否 增大脉冲宽度 问题? Be-an-Expert Training Program * * * * * * * * Rayleigh Backscattering: These reflections are very small. They are caused by impurities that are present in every fiber. The amount of impurties are determined by the fiber manufacturer and specified as the Rayleigh Back Scattering coefficient (RBS coefficient) The RBS


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