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PAGE  PAGE 12 2008年全国大学生英语竞赛样题(A级) Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 30 marks) Part II Vocabulary and Structure (10 minutes, 15 marks   31. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of ________ reality.   A. what it is conceived?????????????????????? B. that is conceived?????   C. what is conceived to be??????????????????? D. that is being conceived of   32. New York City collects garbage ________ $209 per family per year.   A. at the cost of???????????????????????????? B. at sacrifice of?   C. in demand of?????????????????????????????? D. in support of   33. I would just as soon ________ rudely to her.   A. you not speak????????????????????????????? B. you wont speak   C. you not speaking?????????????????????????? D. you didnt speak   34. ________ so many people been out of work as today.   A. More than ever before????????????????????? B. Never before have   C. In the past, there never have????????????? D. Formerly, there never were   35. We got home late last night, ________, early this morning.   A. namely?????????? B. in other words???????? C. or rather???? D. in any case   36. The miners escaped the danger by ________.   A. a hair breadth???????????????????????????? B. hair breadth   C. hairs breadth???????????????????????????? D. a hairs breadth   37. Praise is like warm sunshine. It not only brings joy to ________ who are praised but also adds pleasure to ________ who praise.   A. these; these???? B. we; us???????????????? C. them; them??? D. those; those   38. When our imports ________ our exports, we say we have a favorable trade balance; however, when our imports and exports are the other way round we say we have an unfavorable trade balance.   A. fall short???????????????????????????????? B. fall short of   C. run out of???????????????????????????????? D. are lack of   39. ________ that distinguish human beings from other primates are related to the ability of people to stand upright and walk on two legs.   A. M


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