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大学生评语英文 篇一:学生评语—英文版 学生评语—英文版 学生评语—英文版You are an honest and hardworking girl. You leave me a very deep impression. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future. You are an excellent boy. I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study. You are a handsome boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you a glorious future. You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job. Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching. I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting. Wish you a splendid future. You are an active and passionate girl. I appreciate your participance in class activities. Wish you a happy life. You are a very careful girl. Your handwriting is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome. You are a clever girl. I appreciate your handwriting so much. Wish you make more improvement on your study. You are a humorous boy. You may have some difficults on English, I hope you will make more progress in later day. You are a sunny boy. You are very active on class. Pay more attention on English grammar. Work harder and you will make more progress. You are an open-minded boy. I enjoy your activeness on class. Wish you make more improvement on English study. You are a hardworking girl. You have a gift for English study. Where there is a will, there is a way. Wish you a fantastic fu ture. You are a straight-forward boy. I appreciate your creativeness on class. I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day. You are an earnest and hardworking girl. Your English is very good. I hope you can take part in more class activities. Wish you a terrific future. You are a shy but hardworking girl. Try to be more active on class. Be confident, you are the best. You are an honest boy. You are good at running and jumping. Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics. You are an excellent boy. Y


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