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物流配送车辆路径优化方法研究 摘 要 目前,国际物流业正朝着高度专业化和社会化的方向发展。近年来,虽然我国物流业取得了很大的发展,但与国外发达国家相比,仍有较大的差距。在物流各环节中,物流配送对物流企业增加利润起着关键作用,车辆路径问题(VRP)作为解决物流配送问题技术的一部分,得到越来越多研究学者和物流企业的重视。 VRP是一个典型的NP-hard问题,即使在客户规模比较小的情况下,求解也比较困难。因此,研究求解各种条件下 VRP的有效算法显得尤为重要。从目前的研究状况来看,虽然对VRP的研究得到了重视,但是仍没有对实际VRP而临的各种情况进行深入的探讨,而且成果比较分散,无论是研究的深度和广度,都不能满足当今物流业迅速发展的需要。 针对上述问题,本文在车辆调度问题现有的理论成果基础上,运用智能方法对各种静态非满载车辆调度问题作了比较系统的研究。首先通过相关文献的总结提炼,较为全面地总结了国内外车辆调度问题的研究现状和研究过程中所存在的不足。然后运用遗传算法对单车场容量约束情况下的车辆调度问题进行优化,并且针对具体情况下不同智能算法的特点进行改进,寻求优化车辆调度问题性能最好的智能算法。最后应用健壮性最好的智能方法对各种静态情况下的车辆调度问题进行研究,这些情况主要包括:单车场VRP,多车场VRP,集送一体化VRP,开放式VRP等。 本文对各种静态情况下的车辆调度问题都进行了试验并且给出了代表性的算例,通过与同类文献的比较,显示了本文所提出的智能方法对优化车辆调度问题的有效性和可行性。 关键字: 物流配送 车辆调度 遗传算法 数学模型 分支切割算法 Study on Logistics Distribution Vehicle Routing Problem ABSTRACT In recent years, Chinas logistics industry has achieved great development, but as compared with foreign developed countries, there are still large gaps. In all the links of logistics, logistics distribution plays a key role in increasing profits of logistics enterprises. As part of solutions to the technical problem of logistics distribution,vehicle routing problem(VRP) is getting more and more attention in academics and enterprises. VRP is a typical NP-hard problem. Even in the relatively small size of the customers, getting the solution also is difficult. Therefore, studying under all conditions for the effective VRP algorithm appears to be particularly important. Judging from the current situation of the study, although the study on VRP has got much attention, but still not on the actual situation facing the VRP-depth study. The VRP research results are rather scattered, the depth and breadth of which are unable to meet todays rapid development of the logistics industry. To realize the problem, in this paper, the deployment of various static VRP with non-full load is studied systematically based on current theoretical methods. In order to find the best suitable algorithm, a summary of concerning references is


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