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毕业设计(论文) 题 目: XX有限公司200920911220 专业班级 工商903经贸管理分院 (副教授)2013年月 诚信承诺书 本人谨此承诺,本人所写毕业设计(论文)均由本人独立撰写,无任何抄袭行为。凡涉及他人的观点材料,均作了注释。如出现抄袭或侵犯他人知识产权的情况,愿承担由此引起的任何责任,并接受相应的处分。 学生签名: 年月日 XX有限公司实施品牌战略的对策研究 【摘要】 随着经济全球化和世界大市场的形成,中国服装企业纷纷成为现行国际名牌的加工厂所以中国也被冠上了制造大国,品牌小国的称号。造成了国内服装市场的价格恶性竞争 本文运用理论与实践相结合的方法,结合有限公司品牌战略发展现状和服装市场调查,为公司未来品牌战略实施提出合理建议。主要论述选题的目的和意义论述品牌及品牌战略的概念论述企业品牌战略实施问题和企业SWOT分析。问卷调查数据统计与分析。结合调查结果和企业SWOT分析结合品牌核心价值理论和品牌战略为企业如何进行品牌战略提出相应的对策。论文期望通过对有限在品牌方面问题的深入分析,能对国内服装企业的品牌建设有一定的应用价值。品牌,品牌战略,SWOT分析,品牌核心价值 The research of Countermeasures Gongmei Garment Co., Ltd. to implement brand strategy 【Abstract】 With the formation of economic globalization and the world's largest market, China's clothing enterprises have become the processing plants of the existing international brands.SO China also goes by the title of "manufacturing power, brand small country".The meager processing fees caused vicious price competition in the domestic clothing market. This article utilizes the method of combining theory with practice, combining Gongmei Garment Co. Ltd. brand strategy development status and market research, for the company's future implementation of brand strategy put forward reasonable proposals.Objective and significance of the main topics discussed at first, then discusses the concept of brand and brand strategy, through the elaboration Gongmei garment enterprise implementation of brand strategy analysis and enterprise SWOT.Then the statistics and analysis of questionnaire data. Finally, according to the result of the investigation and SWOT analysis of enterprise with the core value of brand theory and brand strategy for the enterprise how to put forward the corresponding countermeasures of brand strategy.The paper through in-depth analysis of Gongmei Garment Co. in brand issues, to the domestic garment enterprises brand building has a certain application value. 【Key Words】 Brand,Brand strategy,SWOT analysis,he core value of brand 目 录1 绪


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