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第十九讲 金属自由气体模型 (Part 2) Density of States, DoS能态密度:单位体积的固体,单位能量间隔内的状态数目(考虑自旋性质)。 The total number of particles in V At T= 0 k Fermi Function What happens as we raise T, but keep kBTEF? By heating a Fermi gas, we excite some electrons. Only electrons with energies close to EF can be excited: empty states are available only above the Fermi energy. Thus, some states above EF (within a narrow energy range ~ kBT around EF) will be populated (占据,布局) and some states below EF depleted(倒空,腾空). With increasing T, the step-like function is “smeared” over the energy range ~ kBT. At T=300K, calculate the energy interval that is occupied by the electrons that participate in the current flow, assuming that for these electrons the occupancy varies between 0.1 and 0.9. Fermi-Dirac distribution function is a symmetric function; at finite temperatures, the same number of levels below EF is emptied and same number of levels above EF are filled by electrons. Boltzmann distribution: Sommerfeld Expansion Chemical potential Chemical potential μ = μ(T) is determined by a free electron gas model 化学势:在恒定温度下,系统增加一个粒子所产生的自由能的增量,就是系统的化学势。 系统内能=自由能 F +束缚能 TS 水总是由高处向低处流,流动到没有水位差为止;热总是由高温物体传到低温物体,直到二者温度相等为止。这些过程不需要外力帮助就可以自动进行,我们把 这样的过程称为自发过程。 One of the greatest successes of the free electron model and FD statistics is the explanation of the T dependence of the heat capacity of a metal. T0 K the total energy of the electron gas in unit volume 考虑到化学势与费米能量的差异, 按照经典理论, 离子实的比热为,低温下金属的总比热为 Metal (expt (FEG (expt/ (FEG = m*/m Li 1.63 0.749 2.18 Na 1.38 1.094 1.26 K 2.08 1.668 1.25 Cu 0.695 0.505 1.38 Ag 0.646 0.645 1.00 Au 0.729 0.642 1.14 Al 1.35 0.912 1.48 结论: 解决了早期的Drude模型的困难; 但对多价金属和重元素金属,并不适用。 金属的电学性质: 不同金属中电子的平衡和接触电势 关于欧姆定律的微观解释(在恒定电场下的自由电子气体) 经典模型: 弛豫时间近似: 在外场作用下,金属中的价电子会受到散射和碰撞,而突然地改变速度,但在两次散射之间,电子直线运动,遵从牛顿定律。相继两次散射间隔的平均值叫做弛豫时间。 :相继两次散射间隔的平均值叫做弛豫时间 :单位时间内的散射次数,正比于单位时间内的电子被散射几率。 :dt时间内电子被散射的几率。 牛顿定律(没


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