Lesson9:Eat More Vegetables and Fruit教学设计.doc

Lesson9:Eat More Vegetables and Fruit教学设计.doc

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Lesson9:Eat More Vegetables and Fruit教学设计

Lesson9:Eat More Vegetables and Fruit教学设计 Lesson9:Eat More Vegetables and Fruit教学设计 教学 目nbsp;标 1、能听、说、读和写词汇:vegetables cabbage, fruit, month2、恰当的使用How often…?句型描述自己日常的饮食状况。3、在完成调查表的过程中,通过师生活动、学生互动等活动,使学生能够描述自己日常的饮食状况。4、通过学习,培养学生学习英语的持久兴趣和良好的饮食、生活习惯。。教学重点 词汇:vegetables cabbage, fruit, month使用How often…?句型描述自己日常的饮食状况。 /教学难点 使用How often…?句型描述自己日常的饮食状况。 教具应用 教学过程 Step1: Greeting  T: Hello, everyone. How are you?  S: Fine, thank you. And you ?  T: I am fine,too.Step 2.New conceptsnbsp;1. T: Now, please look at these picturesWhat are they?(出示蔬菜的幻灯片)  S:vegetables  T: Yes, You are right.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;T: Vegetables are good for us . let’s watch a movie and answer my question.(出示其它蔬菜图片)  2. T: Do you know what they are?  S: peas  T: Ok . You are right . Who knows which kind of vegetables can make you cry ?   S: Onions.   T: Ok .let’s look at this picture. What is this?  S: This is cabbage.   T: What colour is it ?  S: green T: what else do you see?  S: tomato、potato、carrot、beannbsp;3. Student book  Let’s see Danny about eat vegetables. this is a chart for Danny .listen to the tape and fill the chart. How often does Danny day\week\month\year  Eat donutsnbsp;nbsp;  Eat cabbagenbsp;nbsp;  Eat peasnbsp;nbsp;  Eat onionsnbsp;nbsp;Step3: practice 1.the following questions.  下面是一个生活习惯的调查表,根据你的实际情况完成。  How often do you\day\week\month\year  play sportsnbsp;nbsp;   Brush your teethnbsp;nbsp;  take a showernbsp;nbsp;  Wash your facenbsp;nbsp;  comb your hairnbsp;nbsp; 2. 看看李明的饮食习惯是否健康  下表是Li Ming一周中吃蔬菜状况的调查表,根据此表填空。  A. Li Ming’s favourite vegetable is _________. B. What vegetable does Li Ming eat nine times a week? _________. C. Li Ming needs to eat more _________. Step4 Summing up (小结)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;步骤1:Warm-up 1.Greeting.2.Guessing game:有关美食,复习食物名词 【设计意图】:用有关于美食的竞猜游戏使学生回忆起学过的食物名词,同时运用What do you like? What’s your favourite food? Do you like...? ......与学生进行自然交流,为接下来的学习做铺垫。步骤2: Presentation1.谈论Danny喜欢的食物,引出How often does Danny eat vegetables and fruit? 让学


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