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脑死亡立法的伦理分析 the Ethics Analysis on the Legislation of the Brain Death 北京大学哲学系98级:李科林 摘要 随着科技的发展,人类对自身改造的能力也越来越高。从二十世纪初开始,器官移植技术开始兴起。直至今日,这项技术已经趋于成熟。如何利用人类的智慧造福人类,如何对这项新技术进行正确的引导,这些都困扰着我们。带着困惑,我们走进了医院,推开了病房;走访了医院,听到了那些生命的呼唤。正是在这些真真切切的交流与体会中,我们逐渐找到了一个方向——为了尊重声明,请求脑死亡立法。而以下的三篇论文也是在这个总的目的下,分别完成的。第一篇是从器官移植的角度对脑死亡立法合理性的论述;第二篇是关于国内器官移植情况的调查;第三篇是对台湾慈济医院骨髓移植情况的调查。粗略地说,前一篇重于分析,后两篇偏于事实。 希望尽我们的绵薄之力,共同实现科技的追求! Abstract Along with the development of the scientific technology, the human being is able to do more and more things including do creation to his body. From the beginning of the 20th century, the organic transplantation technique started. By the present, the technology has made great progress. But how to make use of this according the human’s benefit ? How to conduct this development into the normal way? These questions are puzzling us. Just with these questions , we visited the hospital, opened the doors of the wards. We have talked with not only the doctors but also the patients. We have heard the sounds coming from the hearts of these lives. Through these firsthand information , we found a direction. In order to respect the lives ,we need the brain death legislated. For the purpose ,I have finished the following three articles. The first one discusses the rationality of the death diagnosed by the brain. The second one is on the information of the organic transplantation in the continent. The last one is a report of the marrow transplantation of the Tz Ji hospital in Taiwan. In a word, the first one lays particular stress on analysis. The following ones inclines the information of our society. We are making every effort to realize the human’s dream in science. 器官移植到脑死亡伦理思考 the Ethics Discussion about the Organ Transplantation and the Death Diagnosed by Brain 上帝趁着男人熟睡时,在他身上取下肋骨创造了女人。                  ──《旧约:创世纪》 综观人类历史,移植人体肢体、器官、骨骼和组织,一直是令人们心动不已,充满幻想的话题。而真正的器官移植在二十世纪初才开始。最早的嚐试是给人移植动物的肾脏,当时手术的成功率不高,而且还引起人们对道德问题的质疑。在器官移植方面取得真正突破的是在二十世纪四十年代,当时彼得·梅


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