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* * Tales that trigger Issue.1108 June 10 , 2015 Ace your first week out Background Information Detailed Study Tales that trigger General Questions Trigger warnings?are designed to prevent unaware encountering of certain materials or subjects for the benefit of people who have an extremely strong and damaging emotional response (for example, post-traumatic flashbacks or urges to harm themselves) to such topics. Having these responses is called being triggered. Trigger warning Skimming and scanning: Find the answers to the following quesitons as quickly as possible. Instruction 1.Who suggest Greek and Roman mythology should come with a trigger warning? 2. What’s the intention of using Zeus as an example ? Four Columbia University undergraduate students called on the school to implement trigger warnings – alerts about offensive materials – for Greek and Roman classics. General Questions These influential texts don’t shy away from violence and sexual content, and in many cases hinge on these themes. 3.What did Michael E. Miller say about this? 4. What is the origin of the phrase? The phrase can be traced back to the treatment of Vietnam War veterans in the 1980s, according to BuzzFeed’s Alison Vingiano. Psychologists started identifying “triggers” that could cause veterans to have flashbacks of past traumas. General Questions He said that the Columbia op-ed comes at a time of intense debate about trigger warnings, “a term that is 20 years old” but only recently has been used to refer to “broader issues such as political correctness, identity politics, liberal arts education and sexual assault”. 5. What did the New Republic magazine report? 6.What is the suggested trigger warning of the Great Gatsby? It reported that students at the University of California at Santa Barbara passed a resolution last February asking professors to put trigger warnings on class syllabi and allow students to skip classes containing “content that may trigger


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