Unit 2 Lesson 4 England Before the Industrial Revolution.doc

Unit 2 Lesson 4 England Before the Industrial Revolution.doc

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Unit 2 Lesson 4 England Before the Industrial Revolution.doc

Unit 2 England before the industrial Revolution 工业革命前的英国状况 The country was a place(乡村) where men worked from dawn to dark, and the labourer lived not in the sun, but in poverty and darkness. 在乡村,人们从早到晚都在不停的干活,这些在田野间劳作的人们,并非沐浴在阳光之下,而是穷困潦倒,暗无天日。 The country a place : 是表语 , 表达主语的性质,功能,特点 Work : avoid ambiguity from dawn to dark :aliiteration 从早到晚 the labourer : 在田间劳作的人们 lived in the sun : 沐浴在阳光下 but in poverty and darkness. 穷困潦倒,暗无天日 What aids there were to lighten labour were immemorial, like the mill, which There were what aids to lighten labour 整个句子主语(系表结构) was already ancient in Chaucer’s time. 能够减轻人体力劳动力的机器早就有了 。例如:磨坊,早在乔叟的的年代就不是什么新鲜的事了(乔叟 13世纪中后期)。Definition 下定义法 What aids: n. 什么帮助 lighten labour ---lessen 减轻劳动 immemorial :不知道从哪个年代都有了 The mill:磨坊 was already ancient in + 时间time :在某个时代早就不是什么新鲜事了 The industrial revolution began with such machines; the millrights were the engineers of the coming age. 这些机器都标志着工业革命的开始;这些最早搭建磨坊的工匠们,就成为工业革命时代的缔造者。 With : 以什么作为开始的标志 millright s: 修磨坊的人 the engineer :缔造者 开创者 The coming age : 即将到来的新时代 (工业革命) Jmaes brindley of Staffordshire started his self-made career in 1733 by working at mill wheels, 主语 谓语 at the age of seventeen, having been born poor in a village. (现在分词完成式突出动作的先后顺序)伴随状语 Jmaes brindley詹姆斯·布林德雷生于斯塔夫郡,一个贫困的农村家庭。在1733年,也就是他十七岁那一年,从改良磨坊里的车轮白手起家,开创事业。 Jmaes brindley of Staffordshire =in a village Be born poor 生于一个贫穷的家庭。self-made career:自主创业,白手起家 by working at mill wheels : 改良磨坊的车轮 Brindley’s improvements were practical: to sharpen and step up the performance of the water (因为有了practical才会有sharpen and set up) 前后因果关系和目的的关系 ,名词决定动词意思 wheel as a machine. (修饰的performances ) 因为实用性的加强,水车的机械效能大大加强 Improvement = working at 改良(pun) 推动了工业革命的发展 practical :使用的 To : 解释,说明 那就是 water will = mill wheel 车轮 the performance of the waterwheel 借喻 metonymy . 车轮的性能 sharpen and step up:同义词连用加强语气。大大加强,大大提高 Reiteration It w


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