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usefully English_duty_report.ppt

7 Most fascinating town of China * In Unite 8,we learn the today,let me introduce some beautiful place! 1 The memory of Jiangnan--WuZhen The location: WuZhen is located in the northern of Tongxiang City,in Zhejiang Province ,faces Huzhou City on the west and Wujiang County of Jiangsu Province on the north The reason you must go: This sneak town doesn’t have the reputation like Zhouzhuang,it just has quiet, serene and touched by the vicissitudes of life people .White wall,stone roads,wood carvings,tea house,will bring you to the picturesque Jiangnan…… 地理位置:地处浙江桐乡市北端,西临湖州市,北界江苏吴江县。 必去理由:这个小家碧玉般静谧的江南小镇,没有周庄的名气,只有宁静、安详和让人感动的沧桑。白墙、石板路、木雕、茶馆,会把你带入一个如诗如画的烟雨江南…… Earthly Paradise—Old town of Lijiang The location:it’s in Lijiang County ,northwest of Yunnan Province. The reason you must go:you will get chances to view magnificent natural beauties such as snow on the mountains which never melt even in summer, explore a land of peace the Shangri-La. They will be exposed to specialized folklore of the ethnic Bai, Naxi, Tibetan and the Mosuo minorities in Yunnan. You will also get chances to admire the Dongba culture of the Naxi people, Lijiang Old Town one of the World Cultural Heritages. 地理位置:位于云南省西北部丽江县境内。  必去理由:可观赏夏日雪景的美丽风光,寻找世外桃源──香格里拉,体验藏族、纳西族、白族以及摩梭人等的独特民族风情,欣赏东巴文化和世界文化遗产──丽江古城的古朴风貌。 Moden Land of Peach Blossoms --Wuyuan The location:Located in north-eastern part of Jiangxi Province, in Huangshan, Lushan, Jingdezhen Sanqingshan and the Golden Triangle Regional Tourism The reason:the water reflected the scattered village houses,accompanied by increases in the evening of smoke curl upwards as if just painted a piece of good ink. The evening ,walking in the misty rain, watching the smoke in the rising black tiles from the white walls, just like entering the picture of rural ... 地理位置:位于江西省东北部,处于黄山、庐山、三清山和景德镇旅游金三角区域。 必去理由:倒映水中的错落的村屋、伴随着傍晚时分袅袅上升的炊烟,犹如一幅刚描绘好的水墨画。傍晚时分,行走在烟雨中,看袅袅的炊烟从白墙黑瓦中升起,仿如进入了一个桃源仙境、画里乡村…… Border town--Phoenix City


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