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课时计划 课时1 课题 Unit 10 The world around us Warming-up speaking 课型 New 教学目标 1. Make teenagers know the importance of environment protection. 2. Talk about wildlife endangerment and ways to protect the environment. 3. Practice the Ss’ oral English, enabling them to talk about advantages and disadvantages. 4. Make the Ss know more about the relationship between man and animals from the point of view of the animals not man. 重点 1. Make teenagers know the importance of environment protection. 2. Talk about wildlife endangerment and ways to protect the environment. 3. Practice the Ss’ oral English, enabling them to talk about advantages and disadvantages. 难点 Make the Ss know more about the relationship between man and animals from the point of view of the animals not man. 学情分析 The Ss can finish the task. But there may be a little difficulty in listening. 教具课件 1. A recorder 2. A projector 3. A computer 4. a toothpick, a sock a plastic bag etc. 教法 Communication 教学程序 教学内容(引入、例题、练习题、检测题等) 师生 活动 时间分配 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Lead-in 1. Listen to a song A True Story, the lyric of the song is as follows: 一?个?真?实?的?故?事旁白:有一个女孩她从小爱养丹顶鹤在她大学毕业以后她仍回到她养鹤的地方可是有一天她为救那只受伤的丹顶鹤滑进了沼泽地就再也没有上来Why is it important to make sure that animals do not die out? 3. Language points 1) die out (1) (of families, species, etc) no longer have any members left alive (家族,物种等的)灭绝Some scientists insist that more and more animals are dying out because of the endless killing. (2) (of a custom, practice, ideas) no longer be common (习俗, 做法, 观念等的)消失,过时 The old traditions are dying out. (3) (of a fire) to lose force or power (火)熄灭 It took a long time before the big fire died 2) die off: die one by one逐渐死亡,相继死亡 一种怪病袭击了这个地区,村民都相继死亡. A strange disease attacked/struck/hit the area, the villagers died off. 3) die



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