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人教修订版高一下英语总复习短文改错专项训练 高中英语(人教修 2008-07-28 08:45:12 阅读426 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 短文改错 (一) Later in April, a photo show was holding in our school. 76.______ It was great success! All the photos were taken by 77.______ the students themselves. There were both black-and-white 78.______ and color photos, presented our school life, the beauty of 79.______ nature, festival activities and so on. All the work of arts 80.______ were for show in the reading room on the second floor. 81.______ Every day, the large number of students went to enjoy it and 82.______ they were surprised to find out that the pictures were too wonderful. 83.______ Those their photos were chosen the best were given unexpected 84.______ prizes. In short, this photo show really make our life colorful. 85.______ (二) A friend of me, once noticing the careless way in which 76.______ I kept paper money in various pockets, many of it lost among 77.______ letters and other papers in my breast pocket, say to me, 78.______ “You have no sense about money. You don’t know how to keep 79.______ it.” and presented me with a wallet when I was on the eve 80.______ going to abroad. I put all my paper money in the wallet, 81.______ felt that I was a practical man at last. Within a week, 82.______ unfortunately, a more practical pickpocket tried to get 83.______ hold of the wallet and robbed me of far larger quantity than 84.______ any pickpocket had never succeeded in taking from me in my 85.______ more unpractical days. (三) After read your advertisement, I want to offer 76.___________ myself for the position. I’m twenty years old, male, 77. ___________ 1.78 meters tall, strong and health. And I am going to 78. ___________ graduate Nanjing University this year. I have learned 79. ___________ English for ten years. My spoken English is very much 80. ___________ good and I can


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