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蛋白质营养不良  (protein-energy malnutrition, PEM) Kwishiorkor: A Ghanaian(加纳人)word meaning “the evil spirit that infects the first child when the second child is born”. The second child suddenly switched from nutrient dense, protein-rich breast milk to a starchy, protein-poor cereal, soon begins to sicken and die. Marasmus(消瘦): A severe deprivation of food over a long time (chronic PEM) and therefore is caused by an inadequate energy and protein intake ( and by inadequate essential fatty acids,vitamins, and minerals as well). Marasmu Kwashiorkor 高蛋白质膳食过多的危害 (problems of excess protein) Heart Disease: Foods rich in animal protein tend tobe rich in saturated fats and cholesterol; homocystei(高半胱氨酸)may be an independent risk factor for heart disease. Cancer: population studies suggest a correlation between high intakes of animal protein and some type cancer ( cancer of colon, breast,kidneys, pancreas, and prostate) Adult Bone Loss (Osteoporosis骨质疏松): Calcium excretion rises as protein intake increases. Recommen-dation of calcium-to-protein is more than 20(mg) to 1(g). Gain Weight: Protein-rich foods are often fat-rich foods. Dietary source How to plan a healthy diet 1.Learn the dietary guidelines.Read through the food guide pyramid and the recommendations of the American Heart Association and other major health organizations. 2.Write down a list of your favorite foods.If you like to eat junk food, include them. 3.Write each day of the week on the top of seven separate pieces of paper and make a place for three meals and two snacks for each day. 4.Plan each meal.Try to include a high-fiber source,at least one fruit or vegetable,and at least one lean protein source for breakfast,lunch,and dinner. 5.Include one serving from your favorite food list each day.Limit the amount of serving from the less-healthy choices,but don’t deprive yourself of you enjoy. 6.Try to incorporate seafood or other sources of omega-3 fatty acids at least every third day. 7.Include plenty


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