维持客户关系(英文版)customer relationship.ppt

维持客户关系(英文版)customer relationship.ppt

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维持客户关系(英文版)customer relationship

To maintain accurate and up to date records of customers details Statistics customer loyalty Understanding of sustainable development and product development trends Reflect the quality of corporate management To demonstrate detailed service knowledge and ability to match customers needs with solutions Important Communication Consistency Handle requests that cannot be met or are outside the scope of your responsibility Let them feel that you had done you best Let them feel your honest Find another similar requests that can be met replace Customer Contact Why is it important to maintain effective regular customers contact? Telephone Email Massage Customer feedback satisfaction How would you capture and document customers feedback and satisfaction? Know your customer base Break down your customer base Customer feedback Database Stratege How would you interpret database date and recommend customer targeting strategies? Attributive analysis Customer orientation Strategies Why you should communicate professionally with customer 1. let our customer know us 2. make customer trust us 3. keep old customer and attracts the new customer What communicate skills are required to identify customers needs and assist guests to articulate their needs 1. Greeting 2. listening 3. At the right moment introduced What active listening skills should be used when you interacting with customers? Keep smile and eye contact Concentrate on listening Learn to observe, to respond Appropriately When communicating with cutomers why is it important to address the core issue rather than addressing symptoms? Company: respect for the custom


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