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一、附加疑问句1(2010,57)She seldom goes to the theatre, __? A. doesn’t she? B. does she? C. would she? D. wouldn’t she?Key: B如果陈述句中出现表示否定意义的词,如few, little, rarely, hardly, seldom, scarcely, never, nothing, no one, nobody, nowhere等时,附加疑问句要用肯定式E.g. 1) She hardly writes to you, does she? 2)He has few reasons for staying, has he?By the way…当陈述句的主语为no one , nobody, anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, these, those等时,附加疑问句的主语用they.E.g. No one wants to go, do they? Nobody says a word about the incident, do they?提示1.如果陈述句的否定词仅带有否定前缀(un-, il-等)或否定后缀(-less),附加疑问句要用否定式。E.g. 1)The man is careless, isn’t he? 2)The medicine is useless, isn’t he? 3)The driver was uneasy about the icy roads, wasn’t he ?2.如果陈述句的谓语仅是还有否定意义的动词,附加疑问句要用否定式。E.g. She failed to obtain a scholarship, didn’t you?2(2006,65)There used to be a petrol station near the park, __?A didn’t it B doesn’t thereC usedn’t it? D didn’t thereKey: D 从时态上讲, there used to be… 是一般过去时,排除 B 当谓语动词部分含有 used to 时,疑问部分可用didn’t, usedn’t 或usen’te.g. He used to get up early, usedn’t / usen’t/ didn’t he?但是,如果是there used to be…句型,附加疑问句用wasn’t/weren’t there.e.g. There used to be a peach tree in the garden,wasn’t you?3(2008,58)When you have finished with that book, don’t forget to put it back on my desk, __?A. do you? B. don’t you?C. will you? D. won’t you?Key: C复合句的反问疑问句应反问主语部分,本句主句是否定的祈使句don’t forget to 故为will you? 祈使句的附加疑问句一般用肯定定式1.在否定祈使句后只能用 “will you?” e.g. 1)Don’t forget to post the letter, will you? 2)Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you, will you?2.为使祈使句听起来比较婉转、客气,还可以用would you, won’t you, can you, could you, can’t you等e.g. 1)Open the window , won’t you? 2) Wait for me, can you? 3)Lend me the book, could you? 3.let’s 引导的祈始句,其附加疑问句一般用 “ shall we” E.g. Let’s have a meeting, shall we?4.由动词原形或let us引导的祈使句,附加疑问句一般用will you? 《let us 指请求对方“让我们...”意为“you let us”》e.g. Let us go ho


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