Service English11.ppt

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Service English11

Civil aviation practical English Lecturer Pi ying 值机部分 旅客姓名 航班号 机票 起飞时间 承运人 成人票 儿童票 交运行李 手提行李 旅行团 退票 改签 Passenger name Ticket Flight number Departure time Carrier Adult fare Children fare Checked baggage Hand baggage Tour group Refund Endorse 无人陪伴 身份证 护照 餐食服务 直达航班 智能售卡机 靠窗座位 走道座位 危险物品 易碎物品 不符合包装要求的行李 易腐物品 迟交运行李 办理登机区 值机柜台 值机主任 Unaccompanied I.D. card Passport Meal service Non-stop flight Smart card dispenser Window seat Aisle seat Dangerous articles Fragile articles Inadequate packing Perishable articles Late check-in baggage Check in area (zone) Check-in counter Check-in director 二 Phrases Normal flight  准时 0n time/schedule 登机时间 boarding time 登机口 boarding gate  登机 boarding 请带好随身行李 Please take your luggage with you at all time 排成一线 keep/stand in line 在此排队 Queue here  欢迎登机 Welcome aboard 旅途愉快 have a nice trip /have a time 登机牌 boarding pass (card) Abnormal flight 结果: 延误 Delay  取消 cancel 状态:  进站(进港,到达) arrivals      已降落 landed       迫降 force to be landed 预计时间 scheduled time 实际时间 actual time 原因: 1):公司原因    飞机调配 Aircraft rotation    机械故障 Mechanical trouble 三 Basic Sentences 常用句型 服务部分 Good morning.早晨好。Welcome to China欢迎来中国。Good-bye. Have a time.再见,祝您旅途愉快 Would you please back off a little?请向后退一 Please be in order, one by one.请按顺序,一个接一个 After you.请您先走。I am sorry.对不起。I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long.让您久等 We are waiting for the weather to improve.我们正在等待天气好转。We’ll keep you informed.我们将随时通知您。 Dialogues       服务部分 Dialogue 1 旅客?:How soon will the plane for Beijing leave? B:In about ten minutes/In a few minutes. B;As soon as the mechanical trouble is removed. Dialogue 2 旅客:It looks like rain, Is flight ZH9828 for Shenyang leaving on schedule?(看起来要下雨,ZH9828去沈阳的航班能准时吗?) B:If it does not become worse, the plane will fly on schedule.(天气不再变坏的话,旧能准时) Questions ? How


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