3 Geometric Properties ofSections 2.ppt

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3 Geometric Properties ofSections 2

Appendix 1 --- Geometric Properties of Sections Mechanics of Materials Appendix 1 Geometric Properties(几何性质) of Sections Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision §4 Rotation of axes, principal axes and principal moments of inertia §4 Rotation of axes, principal axes and principal moments of inertia §4 Rotation of axes, principal axes and principal moments of inertia Exercises Exercises Exercises Exercises Exercises Exercises Exercises Coursework * * Centroid(形心): First moments of area(静矩): First moments of composite areas(组合截面): Centroids of composite areas: Polar moments of inertia (极惯性矩): Moments of inertia (惯性矩): Products of inertia (惯性积): Rectangle(矩形) Triangle(三角形) Circle(圆形) radius of gyration(惯性半径): Parallel-axis theorem: Polar moments of inertia, moments of inertia and products of inertia of composite areas: ANALYSIS STEPS FOR COMPOSITE AREAS: Step 1: Locate x, y Step 2: Apply equations to each section Step 3: Sum up contributions from each section to obtain Ix and Iy for the composite/compound section The sum of the moments of inertia with respect to a pair of axes remains constant as the axes are rotated about the origin. This sum is the polar moment of inertia of the area with respect to the origin. Principal axes(主惯性轴): If the product of inertia is zero for given axes, the corresponding exes are known as principal axes. Principal moments of inertia(主惯性矩): The moments of inertia with respect to the principal axes. Principal centroidal axes(形心主轴): The principal axes through the centroid of an area. Principal centroidal moments of inertia (形心主矩): The moments of inertia with respect to the principal centroidal axes. 1. 在下列关于平面图形的结论中,( )是错误的。 A.图形的对称轴必定通过形心; B.图形两个对称轴的交点必为形心; D.使静矩为零的轴必为对称轴。 C.图形对对称轴的静矩为零; D 2. 在平面图形的几何性质中,( )的值可正、可负、也可为零。 A.静矩和惯性矩;B.极惯性矩和惯性矩; C.惯性矩和惯性积;D.静矩和惯性积。 D 3. 图示任意形状截面,它的一个形心轴zc把截面分成Ⅰ和Ⅱ两部分,在以下各式中,( )一定成立。 Ⅰ Ⅱ ZC C 4.图a、b所示的矩形截面和正方形截面具有相同面积。设它们对对称轴x的惯性矩分别为 对对称轴y的惯性矩分别为 ,则( )。 C


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