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china daiy 手机报 word版

China pavilion seals roof The China pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo 2010 sealed its roof atop the concrete and steel frame on the last day of 2008.As a centerpiece of the Expo venues, China Pavilion will sporta distinctive roof featuring “dougong”, a structural element unique to traditional Chinese architecture. Known as the “Crown of the East”, the 160000 sqm building costs about RMB1.5b and is slated for delivery by the end of September. The venue will be used for an exhibition themed “ Chinese wisdom in urban development ” in 2010. 08年最后一天,上海世博会中国馆主体结构封顶。作为世博会一大标志性建筑,中国馆屋顶设计取自中国古代建筑中的元素----斗拱。这座“东方之冠”项目总预算15亿元人名币,总建筑面积达16万平方米,预计今年9月底交付。世博会期间,该馆主要用来展示“城市发展中的中华智慧”。 3G mobile licenses Ok’d The State Council said Wednesday it had approved licenses for the 3rd-generation (3G) mobile phone services in China. The 3G networks will be based on 3technological standards, including the Chinese-developed TD-SCDMA, Europe’s WCDMA and North America’s CDMA2000.The move is expected to trigger a new burst of revenue for the mobile industry, analysts say. 08年12月31日,国务院宣布同意发放我国第三代移动通信牌照。我国的TD-SCDMA、欧洲的WCKMA和美国的CDMA2000将是我国3G手机的3种制式标准。分析人士称,3G获批将掀起移动通信业又一轮“掘金潮”。 Baby infected with bird flu A Hong Kong baby girl who lives in Shenzhen was diagnosed with H9N2 bird flu in Hong Kong Monday, the Shenzhen government confirmed Wednesday. Media reports say the 2-month-old baby is now in isolation and in a stable condition. Hong Kong had reported 4 human H9N2 avian flu cases before and all 4 patients recovered. 深圳市政府08年12月31日证实,一名居住在深圳的港籍女婴29日在香港被诊断感染H9N2型禽流感。据媒体报道,该女婴两个月大,正在港接受隔离治疗,情况稳定。香港此前曾发生过4例人感染H9N2禽流感病例,后4名患者都已痊愈。 Late NY Eve for navy at sea The Chinese naval fleet en route to the Gulf of Aden for an escort mission against pirates said hello to the New Year 3hours later than those in the mainland thanks to the time difference.The fleet had put clocks 2 hours behind before they entered the Indian Ocean Tuesday night after a 4-day voyage from Sanya. Then on the Eve of the New Year, t


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