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四川大学锦城学院 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 Characters of Jane Eyre   学 院   专 业 英语语言文学   学生姓名   学 号   年级 指导教师   教务部制表 二Ο一二 年 二 月 十五 日 《简?爱》中简?爱的性格分析 (英语语言文学专业) 学生 指导教师 ABSTRACT Jane Eyre is a realism masterpiece in 19th century, which has a strong romanticism color. The novel is titled as the first feminism novel in the literary story of England. It is also famous as one of the well-known classical works in the world’s literary history. This thesis has analyzed the characters of Jane Eyre by knowing her important stories in her life. At Gateshead, there was nobody loving her and caring about her. She also was not been cherished and respected. This environment which was filled with ignorance and excoriation lead Jane Eyre to be a rebel girl who was longing for respect and freedom. At Lowood School, Jane Eyre felt love from her friend. At the same time, she understood how cruel the society was! She became strong and never stopped pursuing equality she wanted. At Thornfield, the complicated love between Jane and Rochester successfully built a female image that was born in a poor family and lived a path winding but always kept a positive attitude which maintained independence and initiative to love and life and braved to fight for freedom and equality. The aim to write this article is through Jane Eyre, we can find a modern female who enjoys noble quality which involves self-respect, self-adamancy and self-independence. Key words: Jane Eyre; self-respect; equality; independence; love contents Introduction 1 Part One Positive Characters of Jane Eyre 2 1.1 Never stop pursing dignity and freedom of inspirit 2 1.2 Never stop pursuing equality and independence 3 1.3 Never stop pursuing true love 6 Part Two Passive Characters of Jane Eyre 9 2.1 Inferiority of Jane Eyre


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