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外国留学生申请表(交流生) Application Form for International Exchange Student 请申请人用中文或英文清楚地填写以下诸项,不接受手写。不能缺项填写,没有的请写“无”。 Please fill all the information requested. Handwriting is not acceptable. Please write None if not applicable. 姓 名 Name 姓 Family Name 名 Given Name 中 文 Chinese name 国 籍 Nationality 出生日期 Date of Birth 年 月 日 Y M D 出生地点 Place of Birth 国家/Country城市/City□ 已婚/Married□ 性 别 Sex 男 /Male □ 女/Female □ 宗 教 Religion 永久通讯地址 Permanent address 国家/Country 城市/City 邮政编码/Postal Code , 电话/Tel. No. 文件邮寄地址 Postal address if not as above 国家/Country 城市/City 邮政编码/Postal Code , 电话/Tel. No. 护照号码 Passport No. 护照有效期 Valid until 年/Year 月/Mon 日/Date 最高学历 Highest Academic Qualification 电子邮件 Email 来自大学及专业 Your home University Major Home University: Major: 希望入读学院及专业/Intended School Major at SJTU School or Department: Major: 学习期限 Intended duration at SJTU 从 年 月 日 到 年 月 日 From Y M D to Y M D 住宿申请 Application for Hall of Residence □ 不需要预定学校宿舍 No need for hall of residence on Campus □ 申请宿舍/Applying for hall of residence on Campus 闵行校区/ Minhang Campus □ 双人间Double Room 徐汇校区/Xuhui Campus For Chinese Language and MBA program students only □ 9号楼(单人间 Single Room/Bldg No.9 for International students) □ 联兴楼 单人间Single Room/Lianxing Bldg for International students If you need dormitory on campus, room reservation should be made when application. If dormitories are full, we don’t accept any room reservation. The accommodation fees of the above university dormitories are paid by semester and will not be refunded if you leave during the semester. 紧急情况联系人及电话 Emergency contact in China Tel 汉语语言能力 Chinese Language Proficiency □ 不会/None □ 差/poor □一般/Fair □ 较好/Good □ 很好/Excellent □HSK 证书/HSK Certificate Level____________ 申请人保证: I hereby affirm that: 上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的; All the information in this form is true and correct; 在华学习期间,遵守中国政府的法律法规,不从事与本人来华留学身份不相符合的活动。 During my study term in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, a


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