英语阅读 text 24.ppt

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英语阅读 text 24

Text 24 More people and more produces New words and phrase : 1 、 Approximately adv. 近似,大约 Vocabulary building(词汇扩充): about , give or take, more or less , or so , or thereabouts , roughly ,somewhere around somewhere regional of, etc. 例句:The flight takes approximately three hours. 飞行时间大约三个小时。 She must be 25 or thereabouts. 她肯定在25岁上下。 2、 epidemic n. 流行病 例句:the outbreak of a flu epidemic. 流感的爆发。 epidemiology n. 流行病学 epidemiological adj. epidemiologist n. 5、 considerably adv. considerable adj. 相当多(或大,重要等的) considerate adj. 考虑周到的 consideration n. 仔细考虑 ? 6、 preservation n. 保护;维护 preservationist n. 文物保护者,环境 保护者 preservation order 文物保护令(英国) preservative n. 防腐剂 例句:wood preservative 木材防 10 、concentrate v. n. concentrate (sth)(on sth /on doing sth)聚精会神做某事 n. 浓缩物 Concentration n. 专心 concentrated adj. 决心要做的 11、 enrich v. 使富裕 ,丰富 enrich sth (with sth) enrichment n. 12 、fertilizer n. 肥料 fertilize v. 使受精,受粉 fertility n. 富饶 fertile adj. 肥沃的? 13 、profitable a. 有利润的;盈利的 profit v. n. profit on sth /from sth 利润 profit (by/from sth) 对……有益 17 、assemble v.装配 assembler n. 装配工 assembly n. 会议 State/local assemblies 州众议院 18 、supervise v. 监督 supervision n. supervisor n. 监督人 supervisory adj. ? 19? 、specialize v. 专政??? specialized? adj.专业的??? specialized equipment/skills 专业设备/技能 20、 replace v. take the place of 代替 replace sb /sth (with/by sb/sth) 用……代替 replaceable adj. 可替换的? 21、 campaign n. v. ….(against/for sth) campaign 指为社会,商业, 政治目的而进行的一系列活动。 A advertising campaign 广告宣传活动 Battle 指个人或集体为赢得权利或控制而进行的较量,争论 The endless battle between man and native . 人与自然永无休止的斗争。 Struggle 指个人或集体为赢得权利或斗争而进行的较量,争论或斗争。 The struggle between good and evil. 正邪之争 Ⅰ. Pre-reading activiti


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