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Lesson 42 Modern cavemen 现代洞穴人 words and expressions caveman[keivm?n]n. (远古)洞穴人 查看详细 pot-holing[p?t,h?uli?]n. 洞穴探险,洞穴探险运动 查看详细 solitude[s?litju:d]n. 孤独;寂寞 查看详细 lure[lju?]vt. 诱惑;引诱 查看详细 pot-holer[p?t,h?ul?]n. 洞穴探险者 查看详细 rambler[r?mbl?]n. 漫步者,散步者 查看详细 undertaking[,?nd?teiki?]n. 任务,工作 查看详细 foresight[f?:sait]n. 预见,深谋远虑 查看详细 foretell[f?:tel]v. 预言 查看详细 Grenoble[ɡr?n?ubl]n. 格里诺布尔 查看详细 chasm[k?z?m]n. 断层;裂口,陷坑 查看详细 flaw[fl?:]n. 小裂缝 查看详细 distinguished[disti?gwi?t ]a. 著名的,杰出的 查看详细 Everest[ev?rist]n. 珠穆朗玛峰 查看详细 wade[weid]v. 涉水;蹚水 查看详细 waterfall[w?:t?f?:l]n. 瀑布 查看详细 gear[ɡi?]n. 一套用具 查看详细 inflatable[infleit?bl]adj. 可充气的 查看详细 rubble[r?bl]n. 碎瓦,瓦块 查看详细 insistent[insist?nt]adj. 连续的,不断的 查看详细 boom[bu:m]v. 轰响 查看详细 waterspout[w?:t?spaut]n. 强大的水柱 查看详细 cleft[kleft]n. 裂缝;开口 查看详细 cavern[k?v?n]n. 大洞穴 查看详细 stalagmite[st?l?ɡmait]n. 石笋 查看详细 stalactite[st?l?ktait]n. 钟乳石 查看详细 limestone[laimst?un ]n. 石灰石 查看详细 glisten[glisn ]v. 闪烁 查看详细 eerie[i?ri]adj. 可怕的;引起恐惧的 查看详细 dome[d?um]n. 圆顶,穹窿 Lesson 42 Modern cavemen Cave exploration, or pot-holing, as it has come to be known, is a relatively new sport. Perhaps it is the desire for solitude or the chance of making an unexpected discovery that lures people down to the depths of the earth. It is impossible to give a satisfactory explanation for a pot-holers motives. For him, caves have the same peculiar fascination which high mountains have for the climber. They arouse instincts which can only be dimly understood. Exploring really deep caves is not a task for the Sunday afternoon rambler. Such undertakings require the precise planning and foresight of military operations. It can take as long as eight days to rig up rope ladders and to establish supply bases before a descent can be made into a very deep cave. Precautions of this sort are necessary, for it is impossible to foretell the exact nature of the difficulties which will confront the pot-holer. The deepest known cave in the world is the Gouffre Berger near Grenoble. It extends to a depth of 3,723 feet


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