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CET4淘金词汇 (1) appoint vt. 任命,委派;约定 Elaine Zhao, who was appointed as Secretary of Labor, is the first Chinese in the cabinet of the U.S. government. 赵小兰被任命为美国劳工部部长, 成为美国政府内阁成员中的第一位华裔. Lets appoint a time for the meeting. 我们定个时间开会吧. You should keep an appointment after you make it. 约好了就要守约. The appointment of Deng Yaping as member of the International Olympic Committee excited us. 邓亚萍被任命为国际奥委会委员, 这使我们兴奋不已. To our surprise, the fancy ball that she arranged turned out to be such a failure. 出乎意料, 她安排的化妆舞会竟然会这样失败. I dont like anyone else to arrange my room for me, no one knows where I usually put my stuff. 我不喜欢别人为我整理房间, 因为没人知道我能常把东西放哪. We have arranged for the goods to be dispatched to you at once. 我们已为立即向你发运商品做好准备. Please make your own arrangements for accommodations. 请自行安排住宿. Flower arrangement is an art that I know nothing of. 我对插花艺术一窍不通. That swellhead never pays attention to what other people say. 那个自大狂从来不听别人的话. You must give a lot of attention to babies. 婴孩必须给予很多关心和照顾. Games can attract students interest in learning English. 游戏能引起学生对学英语的兴趣. The idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays. 现在去国有企业就职的想法,对年轻人没有多少吸引力. The convenience of city life is one of its main attractions. 便利是城市生活主要的诱人处之一. The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest tourist attractions in the world. 中国长城是世界上最令人向往的旅游胜地之一. Please do it without delay. 请马上行动. The deadline to hand in our proposals was delayed by 2 days. 我们提交计划书的最后期限推迟两天. Dont delay what you should do today. 不要拖延.今天就做你该做的事情. We decided to delay our holidays until the weather improves. 我们决定推迟我们度假的时间直至天气好转. lesson_2 blast vt.炸 n.爆炸,一阵(疾风), 一股(强烈的气流) Over a period of two days in Pakistan ;两日内在巴基斯坦发生的 a series of blasts killed 6 people and injured 35. ;一系列爆炸事件造成6人死亡,35人受伤. The moment the Federal Building in the heart of Oklahoma City was blasted by McVeigh, ;(美国)俄克拉荷马市中心的联邦政府大楼被迈克维炸毁的那一刻, some peoples American dreams were also blasted.


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