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郑州大学体育学院本科毕业论文 (2007届) 论 文 题 目 论乒乓球教学中正手近台 快攻的教学要素 作 者 李向阳 指 导 老 师 周毅刚(教授) 关键词:乒乓球; 正手攻球; 体育教育; 教学要素 Comment on the table tennis ball teaching middle forehand short quick-attack teaching key element The Physical educational college of Zhengzhou University Li XiangYang Adviser  Zhou YiGang Abstract :Purpose The key element carries out investigation and discussion on table tennisball forehand attacking driving technology teaching waiting for aspect to whose effect in technology action teaching step , teaching psychological factor adjustment and thought characteristic , sports educates special field to use institution of higher learnings student can quicker better field grasp this item technology. Method A few the key element applying a document to sum up law , data Statistics Law , observing law interview law , observing the law teaching to table tennis ball hand short quick-attack has been carried out sum up, and being studying this item technology specifically for the college student now and then a few characteristic be in progress questionnaire on inquiry. Result The forehand attacking driving is mature one technology , the learning method training is varied , every drill all method having a set of self. The stage —body , intelligence , abstratc thinking altitude developing in peculiar physiology mentality develop a college student, studying checking theory knowledge when studying this item technology ought to put particular emphasis on, the tradition teacher normal school explain that be also essential. Key word:Table tennis;Forehand attack;Sports education;Teaching key element (1)原地反复地挥拍 :完成规定次数的挥拍站在后端的挥拍练习。着重体会击球动作要领。 (2)移动挥拍:结合单步,跨步等步法,在左右,前后移动中连续进行某项技术动作的挥拍练习。着重体会手法与步法的相互配合。 3.1.4 台上练习 在正确,熟练地掌握挥拍动作的基础上,开始转入台上练习。在台上联系中,要竭力保证正确的挥拍动作不走样。不变形,这是初学动作阶段技术教学的关键环节。台上练习要注意抓好判断来球、脚步移动、击球时间、击球点、触拍部位、拍面角度、用力方向、发力方向、及时还原、身体协调等技术环节。具体方法有以下几种: (1)多球练习法:先将球轻轻地喂在练习者的拍下,让他挥拍击球,两人轮换进行。目的是提高击球的命中率和培养正确的手法。 (2)推


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