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控制冷却 武松 [摘要] 控轧控冷是一项较为悠久的兴起于上世纪的技术。钢材的控轧控冷工艺主要是用于生产板材的技术。该技术的核心是在轧制过程中通过控制加热温度、轧制过程、冷却条件等工艺参数,改善钢材的强度、韧性、焊接性能。该项技术问世20年来,经过不断地完善和巩固,已经逐步扩展到海洋结构用钢、管线、型材等各个领域。控轧控冷就是控制轧制和控制冷却,也有些叫TMCP(热机械变形轧制)+ACC。比较适合于低碳微合金钢,特别是Nb、V 、Ti复合的。 控制轧制:是在调整钢的化学成分的基础上,通过控制加热温度、轧制温度、变形制度等工艺参数,控制奥氏体状态和相变产物的组织状态,从而达到控制钢材组织性能的目的.控制冷却:是通过控制热轧钢材轧后的冷却条件来控制奥氏体组织状态、控制相变条件、控制碳化物析出行为、控制相变后钢的组织和性能。本文着重介绍控制冷却。[关键词 ] 轧制过程,控制冷却Abstract Controlling rolling and controlling cooling is a technology that has a long rise in the last century. controlling rolling and controlling cooling process of steel is mainly used in the production of sheet metal. The core of this technology is to improve the strength, toughness and welding property of the steel by controlling the temperature, rolling process and cooling condition. The technology has been the advent of 20 years. After continuous improvement and consolidation, it has gradually expanded to the marine structure with steel, pipelines, profiles and other fields.Being more suitable for low carbon micro alloyed steel, especially Nb, V, Ti composite.controlling rolling: on the basis of the chemical composition of the steel, the control of the austenite state and the structure of the phase change product are controlled by controlling the process parameters such as heating temperature, rolling temperature and deformation.controlling cooling: the microstructure and properties of the steel are controlling by controlling the cooling condition of the hot rolled steel after rolling to control the austenite structure, control the transformation conditions, control the carbide precipitation behavior, and control the microstructure and properties of the steel. This paper focuses on the control cooling.Keywords rolling process,control cooling[引言] 控制冷却是通过控制轧后钢材的冷却速度以达到改善钢材组织和性能的目的。由于热轧变形的作用,促使变形奥氏体向铁素体转变的温度(Ar3)提高,相变后的铁素体晶粒容易长大,造成力学性能降低。为了细化铁素体晶粒,缩小珠光体片层间距,阻止碳化物在高温下析出,提高析出强化效果,多采用控制冷却工艺。文献终述 控冷依据的总原理即为铁碳相图。由铁碳相图可知,在不同温度区间可以得到不同的相成份。如在900*c以下,会得到铁素体等。我们就是要控制温度,使其获得我们想获得的组织。 对


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