Heating Element Instruction 陶瓷片使用说明书.doc

Heating Element Instruction 陶瓷片使用说明书.doc

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Heating Element Instruction 陶瓷片使用说明书

陶瓷加热片使用说明书 Instructions for Replacing Heating Element 激光打印机用的陶瓷加热片,是在陶瓷类基片上烧结加热电阻构成的加热器件,如果安装不正确,很容易折断和爆裂。请按照下列方法安装陶瓷加热片。 Heating element(H/E)The following procedure can help you to replace a H/E in good condition. 确认待更换陶瓷加热片的工作电源电压是约220V还是110V。两者不能互换,否则会造成陶瓷加热片爆裂或者打印机无法正常启动和使用。 Confirm the voltage rating about 220 volts or 110 volts , the both H/E HHHHHare not substitutive each other, otherwise it will crack or the printer can not work. 取下损坏的加热片,将托架上的旧胶刮去,用无 水酒精把托架擦拭干净(图1)。 Remove the used H/E, and clean out the used glue, then wipe up the heating core with alcohol Fig.1 . 在托架中线的支点位置上涂上适量LS-A型胶粘剂 (图2)。 Daub some glue LS-A suggested on the convexity in theslot of the heating core Fig.2 . 揭下新加热片上的保护膜,按照正确的方向将加热片 放在托架的槽中。轻轻按压使其规则平整(图3)。 室温下放置至少10分钟(胶粘剂才能固化),然后 进行下一步的操作。 Release the protecting film from the new H/E,then fit the H/E into the slot in the correct direction, and press it tightly but tender avoiding to damage it Fig.3 。 Lay up heating core with new the H/E for 10 minutes at least before next operation. 备注/Note: 建议粘接加热片时用LS-A型专用胶粘剂,禁止使用高刚性和低耐热性的胶粘剂。 The LS-A glue is suggested for its good adherence、flexibility and anti-high temperature. The adhesives are forbidden which are rigid or high-temperature failed 放置加热片时要注意其正反面和两端方向。大部分陶瓷加热片要粘接没有加热电阻线的一面,有些特殊机型的陶瓷加热片要粘接有加热电阻线的一面(如HP4100、HP4200、HP4300) The direction of the H/E must be correct. For Most of the H/E, the side close to the heating core is no resistance, but some types such as HP4100/4200/4300 series are reverse. The correct end is necessary. 有些同一机型的加热片有厚片和薄片以及宽片和窄片之分,使用时不能互换。 Even for the same series printers, the H/E sizes especially in thickness and wideness be various, so it is important to use right size new H/E when the old one is replaced. 加热片供电插头的卡簧同加热片的接触要良好,以防将加热片烧坏。 The good contact between the connectors and the H/E is necessary avoiding the H/E burned out. 对于连接陶瓷片的卡簧已出现烧蚀的插件(图4)和有融化变形痕迹的支架(图5)一定要换新。 The parts must be replaced when the following phenomena are observed: a . the met


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