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国庆节答案 September 26, 2013-------- Ⅲ.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空) 1.His disability(残疾) made him clumsy(笨拙) but couldn’t stop him from achieving his ambition(抱负). 2.He got to school out_of_breath(气喘吁吁) because he didn’t want the teacher to be annoyed(生气) at his absence(旷课). 3.Students as_well_as(和……) teachers have easy access(接近) to our library where there are adequate(充足的) books. 4.Your marriage met_with(获得) your parents’ approval(赞同).Congratulations(祝贺) to you! 5.I want to resign(辞职) and go back home,sitting_around(闲坐) and doing nothing.In_other_words(换句话说), I want to lead a life of leisure. 文章大意:机器人足球比赛的现场的情景。每年在美国的佐治亚大学都举办机器人足球大赛,来自世界各地的机器人会在这里一展身手。 答案 A [推理判断题。第一段主要介绍了机器人的特征。] 答案 B [细节判断题。第四段的“...robots from all over the world”可知,机器人是来自世界各地的。B项所述与事实不符。] 答案 C [细节理解题。从倒数第三段的最后“...these robo-soccer stars certainly have a grasp of the games fundament- als”可确定正确答案。] 答案 D [段落大意题。这一段主要介绍了在研制机器人的过程中所得到的技术会在社会上的其他领域得以应用。] 答案 A [标题归纳题。本文主要介绍的是世界各地的机器人在美国参加足球比赛的情况。B项表示机器人参加世界杯,这里不是世界杯,而是专门为机器人举办的足球比赛;C项表示机器人足球运动员明星受人们欢迎;D项表示机器人促使足球的流行,均不符合主题。]September 27, 2013 Ⅲ.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空) 1.Tomorrow, I’ll set aside(留出) some time to accompany(陪伴) my wife to the concert. 2.This declaration(声明) is bound to(注定) affect their marriage. They may get divorced(离婚). 3.She rang up(打电话) her husband,a clerk(职员) in a bank,telling him she desired(渴望) a part-time(兼职的) job. 4.Please leave me alone(让我一个人待着). I have no desire(渴望) to talk to you guys. 5.To our surprise(惊讶), after we tested out(测试) the products, we found many of them could cause children to be overweight(超重). September , 2013 Ⅲ.语境填词(根据提示用适当的单词或短语填空) 1.At the annual(年度的) meeting, the journalists witnessed the conflicts between two parties with opposite(相反的) interests. 2.He urged(敦促) me to abandon(丢弃) the sinking ship and swim to the shore(岸边). 3.After reflecting(反思) on what happened, I became aware(意识到) that we didn’t find the right target(目标) audiences. 4.At the camp, we provide accommodation(食宿) and we aim to establish a harmonious relati



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