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Notes for Unit 1_ Book Two

Unit One Living in Harmony I. Words Expressions Text A? “I Forgive You” 1. root sth. out/ root sth. up: L. 12 1 dig or pull up a plant by the roots 连根挖,连根拔 政府发起了根除腐败的运动。 The government waged a campaign to root out corruption. 2 find or extract something by rummaging 找出,查出,发掘出 他成功地找出了那个清洁箱。He managed to root out the cleaning kit. 2. take hold: L. 12 1 to seize, as by grasping(如通过抓握来)夺取 军队以飞快的速度夺取了该镇。The army took hold of the town rapidly. 2 to become established 扎根: 新种下的葡萄藤很快就扎下了根。The newly planted grape vines quickly took hold. 3. cling+to/on to/on: L.13-14 of a person or animal hold on tightly to 黏着,缠着,紧紧握着 ? 她紧挽着乔的手臂。She clung to Joe’s arm. ? 烟味黏在他们衣服上。The smell of smoke clung to their clothes ? 她死死地坚持她所深信不疑的信念。She clung resolutely to her convictions. 4. heal: v. L.16 1)if a wound or a broken bone heals or is healed, the flesh, skin, or bone grows back together and becomes healthy again 扭伤通常都比骨折要花更长的时间来愈合。 A sprain usually takes longer to heal than a broken bone. 我胳膊上的伤已经愈合了。 The wound on my arm has healed. 2)if an argument or disagreement between people heals or you heal it, the people stop arguing or disagreeing 他们家庭成员之间的不和随着时间的流逝而消失。 The disagreement among their family members healed over with time. 5. go about: L.20 begin or carry on work at an activity ; busy oneself with 开始从事;忙于 你做这件事的方式是错误的。 You are going about this in the wrong way. 6. roll off: L.27 of a product issue from an assembly line or machine 产出 第一批报纸下了印刷机。 The first copies of the newspaper rolled off the presses. Thousands of laptops are rolling off the assembly line at Quanta Computer Inc. in Shanghai each day . 7. count v. L. 32 1 determine the total number of a collection of items 数;计数 ? 2 take into account; include 考虑;包括 ? 3 be significant 有价值;有意义;有影响 ? --数到5之前原地不动。 Hold position as you count to five ? --工作人员只剩四个了,或者五个,如果算上欧洲主管的话。 The staff has shrunk to four, or five if you count the European director ? --观众的想法不要紧——重要的是评论界的意见。 It did not matter what the audience


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