称重料斗标定Calibration Procedure.docx

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称重料斗标定Calibration Procedure

VISHAY-NOBEL AST 3P标定‘Calibration’‘Calibration’ contains parameters for selection of engineering unit and resolution forthe measurement value, setting of capacity for the instrument, and setting of filters toreduce mains frequency interference and to give a suitable bandwidth for the internalsignal conversion.该称重仪表有三种校准方式:Data sheet, where information about the used transducers and values from the data sheets are entered.Data sheet calibration is recommended as a preliminary calibration. With simple means it gives fairly good accuracy, so the equipment can be tested. Settings from an earlier dead weight calibration are lost if data sheet calibration is selected.注:此处Data sheets 是指称重传感器(Load cell)的技术数据 (Technical Data); 一般只要将Data sheet上的Rated Load, Related output输入,然后Set Zero即可;称重传感器是有阻抗要求的,所以其电缆长度是有规定的,比如20kN的额定负荷(Rated Load)的称重传感器的标准电缆长度是5米,所以在安装时不要将看起来多余的电缆剪掉;如果剪掉就不能再进行按Data sheet参数来进行校准了。该校准方式是仪表的出厂默认校准方式;如果transducer (即Load Cell)的数量数量是2,但有另外两个支撑点,此时transducer数量应设4,只是其中两个Rated Output (mV/V)设置为0;“Conv.factor” default value是9.80665, 即测量单位是kg,load cell单位是Newton;Dead weight, where the scale is loaded with known weights and the instrument is set to display corresponding weight values.Dead weight calibration is the most accurate calibration type. Known weights are used as load on the equipment.‘Value cal. p.1’ (p.2)These parameters define the known load on the scale for the two calibration points.Calibration point 1 is the lower point, normally unloaded scale.Calibration point 2 is the higher point, at least 2/3 of the nominal capacity.Possible values: from -999999 to +999999.Default values: Value cal. p.1: 0 Value cal. p.2: 500步骤:在校准前,仪表上一般会有一些显示数据,该数据不要去管它,也不需要先复位:因为再接下来的第三步选择校准方式时,会自动将当前数据复位:根据生产要求,设置合适的Capacity;默认校准方式是Data Sheet,将该方式切换到Dead Weight:注:此时你在前后切换数据时会发现,Set Zero 和 Offset 值已经进行了复位;如果之前进行过Dead Weight 的校准,需要将校准模式切换到Data Sheet,然后再切换回Dead Weight后,Value Cal.p1 和Value Cal.p2才允许被修改,即校准完后一般就不能编辑了,我认为主要是防止校准后的随意改动该值造成称重不准;设置Value Cal.p1值保证设备上无生产物料重量(Unload)时,将该值设置为


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