Unit 11 Teaching Explanation1.doc

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Unit 11 Teaching Explanation1

Unit 11 Teaching Explanation 一、直击课标要求 1.语言目标 Ask for information politely. 2.重点词汇 restroom drugstore main escalator furniture exchange hang fresh slide clown adventure wrap hero monkey king journey brave trick demon period AD battle powerful political force foreign beauty heart hunter slam dunk crime imagination plain creativity look department store furniture store hang out water slide dress up no longer Monkey King The Three Kingdoms 3.关键句型 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Take the elevator to the second floor. Turn left. The drugstore is between the furniture store and the bookstore. Go past the bank. Do you know where I can exchange money? The bank is next to the bookstore. Could you tell me how to get to the post office? Parents will spend many happy hours walking through the History Museum. Ive been collecting them for many years. 4.语法 问路和指路 祈使句 二、课前学习提示 (一)词汇 1.exchange [ikst.eind/] vt.交换,交流,交易,兑换;作不及物动词用表示“调换岗位”;它还可作名词用。 【例】 (1)The two girls exchanged seats. 这两个女生调换了座位。 (2)Again she exchanged words with her neighbour. 她又同邻居吵架了。 (3)They exchanged U.S.dollars for Francs. 他们把美元换成了法郎。 (4)Lucy exchanged from Class Three into Class Two. 露西从三班调到了二班。 (5)We had a frank exchange of views. 我们坦率地交换了意见。 (6)She gave him a valuable stamp and received a song book in exchange. 她给他一张珍贵的邮票,换来一本歌曲集。 2.hang[h#0] vt. vi.悬挂,垂下,徘徊,悬而不决,它的过去式、过去分词是hung,hung或hanged,hanged。hang不可作“吊死,绞死”用,其过去式和过去分词是hanged,hanged。另外hang可作名词用,表示“要点,诀窍”。 【例】 (1)She hung her husbands portrait on the wall. 她把丈夫的肖像挂在墙上。 ? (2)The window was hung with green curtains. 窗上挂着绿色窗帘。 (3)Long tassels hung down to the floor. 长长的缨子垂到地面。 (4)The decision is still hanging. 尚未做出决定。 (5)The man was hanged in 1947. 那人一九四七年被绞死了。 (6)He believes hes got the hang of driving. 他自信已领会了开车的要领。 (7)I dont get the hang of his remarks. 我不明白他讲话的要点。 3.fresh [fre.] adj.新鲜的,新的,无经验的,清新的,精神饱满的等。 【例】 (1)He doesnt want to speak as he is still fresh here. 他新到这里,所以不想发言。 (2)Th



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