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The American Food Legens

In some way, what you eat reflects who you are—as people and as a culture. So do you want to understand another culture? Find out about its food. Learning about American food can give you a real taste of American culture.   从某种程度上来说,你喜欢吃什么食物,能反映出你是什么样的人——人如此,文化也不例外。你想了解一种异域文化吗?那就从了解它的食物入手吧。了解美国人都吃些什么,能让你真正体味到美国的文化风情。   Coca-Cola   可口可乐   “We need a bottle which a person will recognize as a Coca-Cola bottle even when he feels it in the dark! The Coca-Cola bottle should be so shaped that, even if broken, a person could tell at a glance what it was.” This challenge, offered by the Coca-Cola Company in 1913, was met by the glassmakers at the Root Company in Terre Haute, Indiana. Inspired by the plump1) and rippled2) cocoa bean pod3), the Root team came up with the unmistakable silhouette4) in pale green glass that has meant “Coke” to generations of thirsty folks since 1916.   “我们需要这样的瓶子:即便是在黑暗中,你只要摸一下瓶子,就能知道那是可口可乐瓶!瓶子的形状要特别,即便瓶子碎了,你只要扫一眼碎片,就能看出来那是可口可乐瓶。”这是可口可乐公司在1913年提出来的一项艰巨挑战。鲁特公司(位于印第安纳州特雷霍特镇)的玻璃工人迎难而上,接受了这一挑战。公司的团队成员受到形状饱满、表面呈波纹状的可可豆荚的启发,设计出了一款独一无二、轮廓清晰的浅绿色玻璃瓶。对于1916年后的一代又一代饥渴大众而言,这一瓶子造型就是“可乐”的独特标志。   Oreos   奥利奥   On March 6, 1912, New Jersey grocer S. C. Thuesen made history when he purchased a 9 1/4-pound tin of chocolate-sandwich cookies. Little did Thuesen know he was the first person ever to buy what would become the best-selling cookie ever: Oreos, which now sell at a rate of billions upon billions a year. It has been posited5) that if all the Oreos produced since Thuesen’s purchase could be stacked atop one another they would reach the moon four times.   1912年3月6日,新泽西州的杂货商人图森买了一罐9.25磅的巧克力三明治曲奇饼,这一举动让他名垂史册。图森当时并不知道,他所购买的这款饼干将会成为最畅销的饼干品牌——奥利奥,而他正是购买这款饼干的第一位顾客。奥利奥饼干如今每年的销量达上百亿。曾有人假想过,如果把自图森开始购买奥利奥饼干后所生产的所有饼干层层叠加,其长度将是月球与地球之间距离的四倍。   Graham Crackers   全麦饼干   When Sylvester Graham, a frail and disgruntled6) early nineteenth-century Connecticut cleric, went searching for the root of all evil, he came up with a long list of possibilities. Topping the list was


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