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肥城一中 “四阶段六步导学”课堂教学导学案年级:高一 学科:英语 序号:-2-1 编制人: 审核人课题:nit 2 Music 课时:1st 【重点难点】 重点单词: diet, balance, curiosity, raw, strength, consult, glare, limit, benefit, combine 重点短语:ought to, lose/put on weight, get away with, tell a lie, win…back, earn one’s living, in debt, cut down, before long 【】1. diet n. 日常饮食,食物 vi.节食1)The doctor has ordered me a special diet( 特殊的饮食). 2)Are you still dieting(节食)? 3)I’m dietingon a diet (在节食) and I’m trying to lose weight. go/be on a diet (vi.) =diet (vi./vt.) 节食 2. balance n. 天平;平衡 v.平衡;权衡 balanced adj. 合理的;收支平衡的;镇静的 Everyone in the factory should eat a balanced diet(平衡饮食)and keep the balance of nature(生态平衡))Can you balance yourself (平衡)on skates? 3)You have to balance (权衡)the advantages of living in the country against the disadvantages.balanced diet 均衡饮食 keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡keep one’s balance 保持平衡 lose one’s balance 失去平衡 out of balance 不平衡 a sense of balance平衡感3. curiosity n. 好奇心 curious adj. 好奇的 curiously adv. 好奇地 ) Children have a natural curiosity about(有天然的好奇心)the world around them. ) Mary looked at him with curiosity / curiously (好奇地). ) She decided to try a cigarette out of curiosity (出于好奇). ) All the employees in this firm are curious about (好奇) the personal life of the general manager.out of curiosity 出于好奇 with curiosity = curiously好奇地 be curious about sth.对某事好奇 be curious to do sth. 好奇地做某事4. lie vi.n.说谎;谎话,谎言(lied,lied,lying)lie vi.躺,卧;处于(某一位置),在于…(lay,lain,lying)1) It’s no wonder that she lied to (对…撒谎) the court. 2You are lying(在撒谎) but lies(谎言)can not cover up facts. 3) West of the lake lies the famous city.那个著名的城市坐落在湖的西面。 tell a lie to sb/tell lies to sb/ lie to sb. 对某人说谎a white lie 善意的谎言 . discount n. 折扣 1)The highest discount on this dress is ten percent. 这件衣服最多只能打九折。 2)We can give you a small discount(小折扣). 3)He bought the car at a 20% discount. 他以8折的钱买了这辆车。at a discount 按折扣 6. strength [c u]n. 力量,力气;[c]n. 优点,长处,优势 strengthen vt. vi.加强;巩固;使加强 strong adj.


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